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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    Oh these are so much better than mine, thats it, I'm packing it all in
    I prefer yours. Don't you pack anything in. (Or else. )
  2. #42

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    I'll tell you one thing, that guy is over charging for his prints, even at 24 inches wide, at least based on market price! IMHO the Phoenix prints are too cheap, but I'm sure they sell better. And the art? WAY BETTER! $70???
    I'm still a little hesitant to get in the print business. It seems like there are SO many people doing them, and Mark Styling, whom I've never heard of, proves my point

    A quote from a GREAT (fictional movie) artist, Gulley Jimson;
    "Of course you want to be an artist. Everybody does, once. But they get over it, like measles and chicken pox"
    You're going at it the right way Jester, if you're going to do profile prints, do the BEST, and you're doing it
    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 5th February 2008 at 19:48.

  3. #43

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    I don't know that Mark Styling IS overcharging.

    In US dollars:
    Mark Styling is $80 for a 24" and $150 for a 36" print.
    Plane Graphix is charging $70 for a 20" and $130 for a 24" print.
    The Stephen Mudgett site charges $40 (I think, it's hard to tell) for a 19" print.

    These all appear to be achival quality papers and inks, too.
  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by CRIPES_A_MIGHTY View Post
    Take a look towards the bottom of page.

    Aircraft illustration

    "Red 1"

    Theres a Grislawski 109 on next page at top.

    Aircraft illustration

    Hmmmmmnnnn. Don't hang up them thar guns jest yet Jester. Now, why on earth would this man put stripes in that scheme? I see nothing that leads me to conclude the aircraft was marked in this you?
    Attached Images Attached Images  
  6. #46

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    Tom Tullis sells his 11" x 17" prints for $25-35 and the art is a much higher quality
    You can get a singed limited edition 9" x 13" print by Claes Sundin for $46.95!
    (of course his 41" prints sell for $195 )
    Jamie Iverson 13" X 19" prints are $34.95
    Jerry Boucher's 20" X 16" prints are $18
    Of course on the other hand, Jerry Crandall's prints are around $200 a piece, but we're talking major BIG name artist and limited run prints.

    I guess if I could sell prints for $70 I would

  7. #47

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    I see extra details on that shot I need to add to me Grafs.
    2 vents under the supercharger inlet, a more blended lighting on the chin rad.
    I love the subtle overlap of the flat part of the gun covers in this shot.
    Its this sorta thing that adds character to a finished profile.

    $70 is about ?35 here.
    I ordered a full set of inks for my Pro last night, ?132 for all 8.
    Sooooooo at ?5 a print I just about covered that off with 50% wastage.
  8. #48

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    YAyyyyyyyyy more paint ............ lol
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Fife, Scotland

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    I was not trying to infer that the prints in the links I posted were better than Jester.
    I posted them as for reference to the idea that Graf flew possibly both a "Green 1" and "Red 1". Jester was looking for input regards aircraft number for his work..
    I was (at lease that's what I thought I was doing) trying to help by provide reference as to what it could be. As such, I seem to have found contradicting information as wether it was a red 1 rather than a green 1 for the markings. It's not for me to decide what is should be, thats Jester decision..all I was doing was trying to help.
    Perhaps I should not bother in future.
    "Second To None"
  10. #50

    Re: Ever closer . . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by CRIPES_A_MIGHTY View Post
    I was not trying to infer that the prints in the links I posted were better than Jester.
    I posted them as for reference to the idea that Graf flew possibly both a "Green 1" and "Red 1". Jester was looking for input regards aircraft number for his work..
    I was (at lease that's what I thought I was doing) trying to help by provide reference as to what it could be. As such, I seem to have found contradicting information as wether it was a red 1 rather than a green 1 for the markings. It's not for me to decide what is should be, thats Jester decision..all I was doing was trying to help.
    Perhaps I should not bother in future.
    I took it as that Cripes . . . .jester by name jester by . . . .ah forget it.

    and for my next trick----->

    Last edited by Jesters-Ink; 6th February 2008 at 13:27.

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