You can try places like E-bay. Be aware of illegal copies.
Hi everyone,
I wanted to know if anyone knows where I can buy Photoshop 7 at a reasonable price, and also what I need to know before I buy it.
Do I need to contact/inform Adobe when purchasing it?
The thing is: if I want to sell prints made with it, I suppose I must have a registered version, which I don't have currently. Does anybody know more about this?
You can try places like E-bay. Be aware of illegal copies.
That's what I'm afraid of. I'm not sure of what a "registrable version" means? Can I buy a unregistrable version and still use it legally?
No, not that I am aware of.
I would figure that an "unregisterable" version could be pirated, and of course, nobody would pay for that.
Last edited by adlabs6; 8th February 2008 at 23:13.
That would sound logical indeed. Is registration necessary for commercial use? I understand all it brings is tech support, which I don't need.
I'm no expert with Photoshop or Adobe, I've only got Elements 2. But I would guess that Adobe would want EVERY copy registered, no matter what use, commercial or private.
I've been through the PS 7.0 French contract briefly. There is no obligation to register. Just an invitation to do so, as it gives tech support and special deals.
It says that if ever Adobe contacts me to check my license, I must reply within 30 days maximum.
I've found a cheap version on and have bought it with Paypal. If ever it's a fraud, I should be able to get reimbursed.