It's an elongated Tornado, yes.
It's an elongated Tornado, yes.
Grubby has been of enormous help in this project. He takes photos like a paranoid technogeek afraid that he'll miss a rivet. If you haven't visited his site, you really should. TONS of useful stuff!!! Welcome to Grubby Fingers Aircraft Illustration
Any of you guys ever hear the Robert Calvert (Hawkwind) record "Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters"??? IT"S GREAT, see here-
Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters
Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Voice of Air Defence Minister: NEXT!
Cut to voice of American Salesman (warm and friendly as a TV ad for cigarettes used to be)
Salesman: Hi there. We understand you want to buy some airplanes
G.A.D.M.: That is correct.
Salesman: Well we make airplanes. Good ones. Fast and reliable. Let me just show you this. Look at this picture. This is the F104. Or the Starfighter as we like to call her. Isn't she beautiful. Yep. She sure is beautiful. Designed by the same man who designed the famous U2. It's the finest fairweather fighter on the market. You won't find a better one at the price. Or any price for that matter
G.A.D.M.: Yes, it's very nice. But we need a plane for bombing, strafing, assault and battery, interception, ground support and reconnaissance. Not just a fairweather fighter.
Salesman: Well that's O.K. We can make some modifications. It'll cost a little extra, but it's worth it. Just look at the shape of this beauty... Look I tell you what we'll do. We'll redesign the plane. Right. And instead of just calling it the F104. We'll call it the F104G.
G.A.D.M.: G?
Salesman: Yeah. G. G for Germany.
G.A.D.M.: G for Germany eh.
Salesman: Uh huh. G for Germany.![]()
Starting to come along nicely now with the photos provided by Grubby, Jester and Supah. Still not sure of some lines. Always a bit of distortion with photos though. I'm sure you guys will correct me if I'm wrong.![]()
Fuel filler is looking good!
Anyone know what these four catches actually looked like? I can't believe it! A hundred high quality pics are they are always just out of sight!!!!
I swear to god I am never doing another jet job with a fan tail exhaust! I nearly went blind doing this and it took longer to do than the rest of the aircraft. Doesn't help that the photo I had was off center too though it gave me plenty of detail. There's just no way to calculate these buggers because it is essentially a tapered tube, and so rolls in two different directions. Anyone got a shortcut to doing these beasts?
Dunno about that, but your drawing is looking awfully tempting for serving as the basis of me first profile of a jet jobbie...![]()