yes but the worst part is 2 hours later and you still see rivits in front of your eyes![]()
Screws are all done. On to the rivets now. This has gotta be the toughest part of profiling. The work seems endless and after a while the lines just start to blur together and you really don't seem to be accomplishing anything. Can't wait to get this finished. By the way, if anyone has any idea of what the dog's breakfast in the front part of the canopy looks like, I'd really appreciate hearing from you. It looks like all these pilots went to a McDonalds Fly through and then tossed the empty bags and wrappers up there along with some dirty underwear and a sick poodle as well.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 24th August 2008 at 11:26.
yes but the worst part is 2 hours later and you still see rivits in front of your eyes![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
great details otter
I think you win the first place in the mad list![]()
Two hours later John??? I go to sleep and all I see is screws, rivets and panel lines. Am I on the mad list Santo? I think I'm just driven to produce the best and most accurate drawings I can. Am I loopy? Probably.... and my wife would be the first to agree with you. Is it worth anything? Probably not, but to me it seems quite important so I'll keep on doing it.
I'm pretty much exhausted on this project now. There are stiil the interior details to do, but I've done so much research and head banging on this I need to leave this project to rest now....for a time at least. I'll come back to it later when I'm not quite so frustrated.
Fantastic work Otter...Your Starfighter looking Great
Last edited by santynus; 28th August 2008 at 15:58.
Can't wait to profile this puppy Otter, just working on that 162 like i said i would...Eventually
do you think to make the F104S or ASA or ASA-M?![]()
I'm not really into moderns Santo, so I don't intend to develop this into other variants. OK, maybe a two seat version, but that's it. The only reason I did this one was because Supah requested it.
This file is now finally complete, and a lot of it is due to the help I get here on Simmers. One guy alone doesn't have much info, but all of us together could damn near write a book on any given A/C. Thanks a ton guys!!!!