This is just the screws, most of which have been placed one at a time. I haven't even started in on the rivets yet. This kind of detail would not be possible without the outstanding photos of Grubby, Jester and Supah. I even counted the damn things as I placed them. I'll get there, it's just taking a while. The more you see, the more you strive for that's ever going to happen!
I'm pedaling as fast as I can Grubster. The roll will be apparent in the full sized drawing once complete. In fact if you look at the intake cone, that's pretty much what's happening on the rest of the aircraft. GFR, you don't need to take a back seat to anyone.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 21st August 2008 at 01:32.
Too late Jarink, I noticed that a long time ago. I examine hundreds of photographs to produce what I do. You kinda have to take a middle road in deciding what's normal and what's quirky.