Your pit glass is all wrong![]()
That was fun![]()
HEY! I just connected the dots, it's not my fault if they're wrong!![]()
Ah, BH, even my wife laughed at that one, thanks!
Here are some flappy bits and some see-through bits.
Next is the long tubey bit and then the bangy-getmeoutahere bit.
I found that middle bit that I dropped on the carpet ...
hey GF,
i liked it better without the middle bit
check your nosecone to fuselage joint, should be smoother, you have a sharp angle at the moment
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Hi John,
Thanks for that. That nose cone is a real enigma. Some pics show a real change in angle while others seem to show a smooth transition. The front portion of the nosecone appears to be a pure cone, with straight sides, so there will be a step of some sort. I just need to work put how severe it is!
I'll attach a couple of pics showing what I mean. Some seem to show a rounding at the rear of the front cone, and others a sharper transition. What to do?.
I can see already that I'm going to have fun blending the three elements of the fuselage, wing fillet and wing together convincingly.
I will revise the nosecone highlight to match the fuse, too.
this is the best image showing how it really looks,
just as you say, some look angled others not, will have to dig deeper into this.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
and some more,
after carefull study i am sure the smooth shape is the correct shape![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Hmmm ... looks like straight edges to about 3/4 lrmgth ....IU shall ponder this more, Grashopper.