25th September 2009, 23:13
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
A quick line-up with a decent side shot of PE. (Don't worry about the front outline being off, the angle of this shot isn't very good for the front half of the plane) The shadow is your profile at 50% opacity over the PE photo. I tried lining up using the front edge of the tail fin and the bottom of the rear fuselage.

From this, it looks like your underside line is further off than the top. You might also want to check your fin/rudder shape.
Same picture without the red lines
Geez, now I'm going to have to double check my P-51B profile!
27th September 2009, 12:42
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
Thanks, Jarink! I'll look into this tomorrow when I start working on it again. I'll consider modifying the air scoop, but I'm not sure about this. I certainly will change the top line, though. I'll keep you guys posted. C U tomorrow.
28th September 2009, 18:12
Re: P-51B/C Mustang

I've corrected the back of the aircraft as indicated and the shape does seem better now. Thanks a lot, guys!
(Actually I might flatten that top line some more. I haven't decided yet.)
I've also corrected some of the rivet paths, added small details here and there... I'm playing a game of "spot the differences" between the razorback and bubbletop versions of the 'stang.
Last edited by gamary; 28th September 2009 at 18:17.
28th September 2009, 21:55
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
..."spot the differences"...
Don't forget the guns! 
I'd also put the gear doors up as well. You never see them down on the B/C except during gear extension/retraction or maintenance.
Last edited by Jarink; 28th September 2009 at 21:58.
28th September 2009, 22:37
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
Here's a couple of Charles Neeley's drawings.
Gotta do list:
1.Change the wing root to the B/C shape
2. Looks like you don't have enough curvature on the lower trailing edge of the rudder
3. Machine guns
Keep 'a coming!
29th September 2009, 04:32
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
I don't know enough to count rivets on this one but I think it's looking gorgeous!!!
29th September 2009, 09:58
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
Actually, I haven't modified the wing yet at this time. All of your comments are right, and I will take care of these in due time. (The wingtip light was also different, plus a few other minor things). It's just as well that I have to modify the wing root, because I'm no longer satisfied with the current version, which is too abrupt. It should blend into the fuselage some more. This will be a chance to do so.
@Joe: thanks for the drawings.
@Jarink: You sure got my attention here. I ran a quick check through some books and it certainly looks like you're right!
I'd never noticed that before. I knew that the inner panel would quickly go down after engine shutdown due to loss of hydraulic pressure, but I suppose this means the B/C models had some sort of locking mechanism. I'll keep this in mind in the future.
@BH: Thanks. How is that secret project going?
30th September 2009, 03:06
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
Gaetan, if you're not already a member of the P-51 Special Interest Group (P51SIG), you should be.
Mr Neeley is a very active member on the discussion boards and there's lots of good talk about all sorts of Mustang things. There's even a recent thread about why the doors droop and drop in P-51Ds.
Some minor details:
The middle engine panel on the bottom (to the rear of the perforated air intakes) is a single piece on the B/C, so you can remove the panel line and Dzus fasteners that run near the bottom edge.
There should be some fasteners/fittings around the edge of the rear window.
Some early Bs had a small door right behind the exhaust stacks. (dashed line in the Neeley drawing; I have photos if you need them)
For all but the earliest B production blocks, there should be a fuselage fuel tank and filler cap. It looks like you have an outline for the cap, but it looks a little small.
Unless it's just too faint for me to pick out, you need to add a step just below the back edge of the rear canopy.
There is a small debate about the existence of a small hump on the top of the engine cowling on Bs. See the P51SIG for (a lot more) details. It's there in the drawing, just forward of the rearmost access door.
Lots of B/Cs had ring sights installed as a backup to the reflector sight. This shows up externally as a 'bead' post that was attached to the front of the firewall. (Apparently even early Ds had these, though they were often removed.) Ina the Macon Belle and Princess Elizabeth both sport the front 'bead' post.
The radio post doesn't look right to me. The angle on the rear edge should be lower? In any case, a lot of B/Cs sported a simple post as in the Neely Drawing. Ones with Malcom Hoods had a different whip antenna.
Props need a little clearance from the spinner. Also, the holes in the spinner should be more of an angled 'figure eight' (again, check the drawing).
I hope these suggestions help!
30th September 2009, 10:18
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
@Jarink: Thanks for these comments. Most of the details you mention are planned, I simply haven't got there yet. On the other hand, I hadn't noticed some other ones (such as the engine panel or the small door), so thanks! I'll give the CN drawing a better look now.
I still have a lot of work to do on this one, and finding the differences can sometimes be quite tedious. (BTW I am part of the P-51 SIG but I don't go there very often. I should, since I host the Mustang! website.
30th September 2009, 20:29
Re: P-51B/C Mustang
Gamery, I'll be posting something in a few days
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