Go, GM, go!!!![]()
Hi guys,
Here's another update. I've done more minor detail work. Jarink, I've corrected many of the things you pointed out but not all yet. The wing is yet unchanged.
The most important mods I've done are the following: I've rounded the lower trailing edge of the rudder and made the air scoop more shallow. I've also modified the antenna, and engine cowling. The rest is mostly too small to be noticed at this resolution.
Go, GM, go!!!![]()
GM, I looked over photos taken in the Langley Full-Scale Wind Tunnel during drag clean-up tests of a P-51B in 1943 looking for detailed close-ups for you. Testing technique was to cover all the cracks and crevices with tape and remove each individually to seek out major sources of drag. Unfortunately, most of the pics were not in good physical shape, but here is a shot of the vertical tail showing that lower rudder line, which you have so accurately captured!![]()
@Joe and Jarink: I'm glad you guys like it. You've been most helpful in improving it 'til now (not that it's finished, though) so a big THANK YOU to you two.
About the small access panel, I haven't represented it yet, but I always have a "checklist" file of things to check for when creating specific drawings (antenna types, mods, etc...) and I've added the panel to the list. If the aircraft I want to draw has it, I will add it. Do you know which blocks had this?
I am working at 4134*1560 pixels, which is 35 * 13,97 cm at 300 dpi. I could work at a higher resolution but I find that my PC already has trouble handling such large files (especially when I start adding lots of stuff to it: gear, prop, drop tanks, etc...). In addition, if I draw at a larger resolution, I will also be going through the hassle of drawing stuff which will never be visible in the final product, unless I make a 6-feet wide print.![]()
This is a cry for help!![]()
Does anybody have good pictures of the P-51B/C instrument panel and radio installation? I've spent a lot of time trying to find decent pictures so I can represent these, but all I can find is reference to the D version.
A BIG thank you to anyone who can help me out on this frustrating one!![]()
I've found a few pictures that will help but still not enough...
In the meantime, I've reworked the glazing and wing:
I'm rather disappointed with this drawing. I probably should have created this one from scratch instead of modifying the original D template...![]()
I think it looks beautiful!
I know the feeling exactly. I keep finding parts of my original A6M3 that I don't like while updating it to a A6M5. But I don't think I have the energy to cover that ground againI'm rather disappointed with this drawing. I probably should have created this one from scratch instead of modifying the original D template...![]()
Not exactly sure what you're after, but this is what I've got.
Were the radio images posted on page 1 of this thread not adequate?