Cool! From fixed to variable pitch prop on one page!
Nice work as always Otter!
The first of many. This is about the best I can do with the rareified info out there on the BCD series. I'll give this bit a rest until I get more stuff. Just purchased the most complete collection of 109 plans still in existance, so I've got a bit of wading to do! All AS variants are up next. Almost there, and then you guys won't have to hear about me harping on 109's any more.
Cool! From fixed to variable pitch prop on one page!
Nice work as always Otter!
Can anyone tell me what the words Verleidungshälfte and Abgleitbblech mean in English?
tried googling and it say " cannot be found"you made them up din't you
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Obviously Verleidungshälft means "cannot" and Abgleitbblech means "found"!!!!!
Did not neither make um up! They are from a German book on 109 Rüstsatze Kits. Speaking of which......
Hi Otterkins is the word Verleidungshälfte or is it Verkleidungshälfte because this word means a covering of material, plastic, metal, cloth, etc and I have found nothing for Abgleitbblech but an Ableitblech is a deflector, discharge plate, diverter
Ableitbleche {pl}; Leitbleche {pl}'s a scan of the photo in question. Honest guys, I'm not making this up!
Oh, while I'm at it I may as well correct the first two drawings above. They depict the aircraft with a Revi C/12D installed because I didn't have the info required to draw a Revi C/12B at the time. Now I do!
Last edited by Otterkins2; 5th January 2010 at 02:12. Reason: Incorrect punktyashun!!!