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Thread: I'm at it again

  1. #21

    Re: I'm at it again

    Wait...the wing tips...they look wrong

  2. #22

    Re: I'm at it again

    Nothing too special but it's the first of the actual schemes for the model 52;
    Nakajima built 8-13 (s/n 2282) flown by W/O Mitsunori Ozaki, 8 Sento Hikotai, 265 Kokutai. The plane was wrecked on Saipan, July 1944.
    Name:  A6M5_52_2282_sml.jpg
Views: 427
Size:  43.3 KB
    I've got a more interesting Mitsubishi plane coming up next.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: I'm at it again

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Nothing too special but it's the first of the actual schemes for the model 52;
    Nakajima built 8-13 (s/n 2282) flown by W/O Mitsunori Ozaki, 8 Sento Hikotai, 265 Kokutai. The plane was wrecked on Saipan, July 1944.
    I've got a more interesting Mitsubishi plane coming up next.
    Can't wait.
  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: I'm at it again that a gnat's eyeball plastered on the front cowl? I swear if you make it any more real BH I'm gonna be bombing Pearl Harbour tomorrow!
  5. #25
  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: I'm at it again

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Nothing too special
    don't fake humility, it truly is awesome!

    several interesting things in this profile : the overpainted white band, the markings on the tail, the seemingly overpainted onomaru on the fuselage (that's what the darker green surrounding it is, right?)...
  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: I'm at it again

    Hi BH!

    Indeed an amazing work, but can't help myself: The undersides of the wing are much too light. First of all the cotrast between the wing and the fuel tank don't fit together.

    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  8. #28

    Re: I'm at it again

    don't fake humility, it truly is awesome
    I meant more that it was the same plane as always, the markings aren't too special either. I figured you guys would be sick of Zeros by now. ...and 109s too

    the cotrast between the wing and the fuel tank don't fit together
    I don't know what you mean. Can you explain it more? If you mean I've got too much shadow on the underside of the drop tank and not enough shadow on the wing, that's what you get with reflected light. The wing is a large mostly flat surface that can pick up loads of reflected light. But the tank, like the fuselage has less area under it to pick up any reflection. You only get a sliver at the bottom of the tank. The fuselage is larger and shows a bit more reflected light, it's a larger diameter, so more of the underside to pick up light.
    Simple lighting theory. I know some people around here don't care for reflected light. IMHO going all shadow on the underside an object is a little boring. Plus that reflection really shows the volume of the wing contours.

    The undersides of the wing are much too light
    Are they? A quick search found these with similar amounts of reflected light.

    Ooops, that's not a Zero!

    Of course different lighting condition can produce a dark shadow on the underside of the wing. But again, I find that boring.
    You also need to keep in mind that a plane on the ground will reflect it's shadow in the deepest part of the wing, usually the middle. Mine are in imaginary flight with more of a global lighting, and no shadow cast by the wing like what you get with a plane on the ground.

  9. #29

    Re: I'm at it again

    Sorry, I missed this-
    several interesting things in this profile : the overpainted white band, the markings on the tail, the seemingly overpainted onomaru on the fuselage (that's what the darker green surrounding it is, right?)...
    The band and the tail numbers, were very quickly and sloppily painted on in the field. The band is pretty ragged, and you can find more than a few that looked like they were slopped on with brooms or something. In photos of the real plane the band is more flaked off but it is after a bomb blast and it has some shrapnel holes in it. I chose to do it before it was blown up. The tail numbers look like the paint is wearing thin toward the end of the numbers.
    The Hinomaru does have it's white surround overpainted in green. That's pretty common.
    Here it is after it went BOOM!
    Name:  a6m5_8-13_b.jpg
Views: 358
Size:  112.7 KB
    The white thing near the antenna mast is some kind of ID tag attached to the wreck. Most of the big patch of missing paint in the fuselage band is caused by shrapnel damage. The section where the serial numbers was intentionally not painted over. That's pretty standard too. You can just make out the green overpaint around the hinomaru around the front edge. These planes came from the factory with a white surround so if you see a model 52 without it, it's been repainted sometime after it hit service.
    I've got a few poor color photos that show the tail numbers too.
    I do think my serial number cut-out is too small, I'll fix it...but I'm at a loss to explain why it's so large. It's usually just the serial number block.
    UGH...back to work
    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 12th November 2009 at 06:05.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: I'm at it again

    Hi BH!

    As you have a detailed look at your posted photographs you will notice that the undersides don't have the same colour as on direct lightend parts of the plane. On your drawing the underside is lighter than the same colour on the fuselage. (Compare the colour in fron of the tail section and the wing) You just have these reflection effects because the planes stand on the ground. If the plane is "in the air" there can't be any of these reflections. So if you really want to show them, you shouldn't do them so strong. Also should the tank" make a shadow on the wing. (in your theory). Why is the shadow of the horizontal tail unit so dark?

    Attached your original drawing and a reworked version. (Hope you don't mind!)

    reworked with a little bit darker wing

    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz

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