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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    Cool. Nice and small. How's Illustrator holding up? Mine starts going a bit crazy when my drawings get a bit complicated. Especially the Smart Guides.

  2. #52

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    In reference to my last post here-
    You've got a similar look to your wing underside showing a step between the wing and fuselage. It's worth looking over.
    See Jester's 109 wing/fuselage underside.
    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 15th November 2009 at 23:55.

  3. #53

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    I'm alive!

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    In reference to my last post here-
    You've got a similar look to your wing underside showing a step between the wing and fuselage. It's worth looking over.
    See Jester's 109 wing/fuselage underside.
    BH, you are right. The leading edge of the wing needs to be transitioned better.

    Since I have resurrected this aircraft I have been playing with the fuselage/wing shading. I'm still not happy with it (read: nothing shown here is final), but it is coming along. I have experimented with shading techniques and have made progress in that arena, I now have to translate them over to this project... which will take some time. The final product will, in my opinion, be better overall.

    Last edited by VectoredThrust; 29th October 2010 at 20:34.

  4. #54

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    And he's back in the game . . . . . welcome back VT, good to see back in the saddle
  5. #55

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post
    And he's back in the game . . . . . welcome back VT, good to see back in the saddle
    Thanks Jester, it is good to be back. Yellow Six is quite close to being finished and I am determined to see it through.

    I'm trying to get the tail/rudder finished up, but I'm a bit stuck. Does anyone have good photo's or reference material that shows details of the fabric covered rudder? I'm trying to determine the stitching and reinforcement panel locations.

  6. #56

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    best photo I have is of a G-2 converted from an F. If its not the same, it should give an idea on how these were constructed.
    It is also a restoration, but should be accurate according the person who did the work.
  7. #57

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    Thanks Jester! That picture is most helpful. I only had a smaller pictures of that tail and it was difficult to make out the details.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    here is a period image
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  9. #59

    Re: The skies are full of 109's

    Uploaded with

    Thanks to all for the rudder pictures. I've started putting the tail section together. Lot's more to do!

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