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Thread: Ju88A

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Ju88A

    Hi Otter

    Yes a bit crisp at the moment. I'm expecting all the weathering, panel shading, rivets/bumps etc to sort that later on. I've kinda got to keep my options open for a clean fresh looking version for the guy I'm creating it for. I've got a sneaking suspicion he want's it factory perfect to a certain extent. But fear not the personal versions I'll be creating afterwards are gonna be proper battle scarred, dirty, faded and generally looking like it's been thru the Battle of Britain, Flakked out of the sky, and hounded by Spits and Hurri's all day long.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Ju88A

    Any comments on the RLM 65 (blue) undersides? As I said previously my monitor is not properly calibrated (well as calibrated as I'd like it.) So what other people see on their set-up is greatly appreciated with regards to the undersides.

    Again thanks for all your kind words. It's really just an interpretation of the skills that I've watched and learnt from you guys over the last few months. Good place to be when your into this kind of thing.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Ju88A

    Looks as it should look! RLM 65 like!


    BTW: Great work, much more detailed than mine Ju 88!
    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  4. #44

    Re: Ju88A

    This is turning out to be a really good piece of work. Your standard is very high !

    However, I do have a single critical comment, which might just be my eyes thatīs playing tricks on me: The highlight on the fuselage seems too consistent to me. Meaning that the intensity of the highlight is the same from nose to tail.

    In my mind a highlight work like this: a suns rays will be brightest if they point at a surface at a angle of 90 degress (such as the case is on no. 1 on the illustration i have made). The highlight will then gradually fade until the angle of the sun rays are 0 degress.

    The surface of a aircraft is rarely completly straight, but is often a cigar shape. If you make a asymptote at a given point on the surface on the fuselage, it should thereby tell you how bright your highlight should be.
    I have added a few estimated asymptotes to the fuselage of the JU88:

    So in my eyes the highlight should be brighter near asymtote 2 and then fade toward the cockpit. The highlight should have a consistent brightness from the cockpit down to somewhere in front of the horisontal stabilizer, and the fade as the angle of the suns rays get lower toward asymptote 4.

    Hope this makes sence.

    Just a brief note to this explination: The intensity of the of the suns rays are actually calculated as a function where you take Sine to the angle of the incomming radiation in order to calculate the intensenty on a given surface. This means that the highlight intensenty between a radiation angle of 90 and 80 degress will be very small, whereas a difference between, 10 and 20 degress will be much greater. This is hard to incoorperate into profile artwork, i know. But with your level, this might be a consideration

    Keep up the good work !
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  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Ju88A

    Jesus Aircraftprofiles, god help us.
  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Ju88A

    Right! I had to read that several times AC Pro before I got the jist and to be honest I've never realised that formula existed neither how much it would matter in relation to technical profile illustration (I still class myself as a newb). With the sun being so massive and with the intensities involved in creating light on our pea sized in relation planet earth. Then to the light cast on an even more minuscule in relation object, that of an aircraft on our planets surface I just didn't realise we could get this deep. I've been profiling for about a year now and what with all i've learnt already, this is another level kinda stuff. But it does seem to make perfect sense. Now the difficult part is how to change/incorporate this into my profile which over the coming days I will endeavor to do (or at least have a bloody good go). I was not planning on changing any shadows or highlights as I had spent a hell of a long time studying the fuselage of this beast to get them spot on but this seems worth a look into. I'm glad I have not got a deadline on this. Already it is approx 3 and halve months (almost fulltime, my girlfriend is not impressed) in the making and I really do respect you guys who can knock out a very respectable and professional profile in a lot less time than that. I truly believe that I could have made a very detailed 3d model of this airframe in the time I've spent on this already and have a computer work out all the shading for me but where would the fun be in that. Crazy really. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do. In the meantime I would be interested in all you other guys ideas on the matter.


  7. #47

    Re: Ju88A

    No problem Clint...know what you mean. it was just for consideration, and nothing more !

    What you can do is set the eraser tool in photo shop to a low opasity and then just remove some of the highlight intensenty on selected spaces of the fuselage. Itīs pretty quite...but I know that when you got 1000s of things to do thatīs "pretty quick alterations" you end up spending many hours in front of the computer.

    And yes, profile artwork isnīt something that brings the family together ;-)

    Keep it coming !
  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Ju88A

    Yeah I was thinking something along those lines. It's not changing, it's just heightening the intensity or lowering at certain points which to me seems a hell of a lot easier than redoing it. Just duplicate some layers and remove elements. Not to much of a tall order but hopefully will work.


  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Ju88A

    Right! I've got an initial test of the new highlight. Is this kinda what you mean AC Pro? I'm quite pleased with the highlight on the nose but I dunno if i'm convinced about the rest. Comments please gentlemen.
    Name:  Highlight Test.jpg
Views: 297
Size:  65.4 KB


  10. #50

    Re: Ju88A

    I think this is great !! good job mate !

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