This machine crashed at Leeuwarden on the 2nd of may 2002, it impacted the runway during landing at a excessive sink rate. The aircraft broke up into three pieces, the radome and radar, the cockpit section just front of the ammo can and the rear section. The pilot pulled the ejection handle but nothing happened once he did. The local fire team cut the canopy to get him out, a brave action considering he was sitting on a live ejection seat that had been activated. He suffered back injuries that prevented him from flying fighters again but now he flies the AWACS apparently. They named the local airforce fire station after him. I know one of the guys that cut him out of there, cool guy who builds Microlight at a nearby airstrip.
Lengthened the 22 and added the cat and mice to the tailOnce I get the pitottube markings and the Sidewinder rails done these will be inbound to you Ugo. I also recieved some corrections on some posters, I will send those to you too then.
I like these low-viz ones!![]()