Thanks Gaetan! Test for Ugo with sidewinders
Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
One with a bit more colour
Nice! How about this?
Lieuwe, there are two black markings on the yellow tail:
..and "23" looks bigger / fatter and the dog slightly more centered and close to 23....
Good pictures, I don't think I had those! Will edit. BTW do you have good images of RSV aircraft RS 06 and RS 08 (the TF)?
Black markings added, added the correct markings to the pitot tube, remodelled the letters to make them squarer and fatter and also tweaked the dog
Last edited by Supah; 12th October 2011 at 14:30.
Now I just need a MM number for this one and to draw the S in the tail logo, I hate drawing S-es.
Originally Posted by Supah S-es. Why not choose profiles that don't have them then!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
How many more acn you do before you can't look at another Starfighter? Looking REALLY great!
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