Re-started (or started finishing) the P-38. Thanks to the new features of Photoshop CS5, I can now add the engine and those big flat things that make it fly...
Of course, this is still very early work...
What new features make this more possible?Thanks to the new features of Photoshop CS5
just checked out their blurb,
looks just like all the rest of the Adobe crap, top heavy and overpriced![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Sorry, I still don't get it. Natural media brushes make it easier to add wings to a profile???
Or are you saying he didn't have layer capability before? he just being silly about the new Photoshop?
(I'm SO confused!)
Not when you're paying only 20% of the normal price. I'm getting Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign and Acrobat for less than 300€, which strikes me as an honest price... For once, my job has some purpose (Teacher and Student edition...).looks just like all the rest of the Adobe crap, top heavy and overpricedGet yourself a job in a school, John. We could use a truck driver to run over some of the little shits we have to cope with at my school. Interested?
And ask yourself: what is the alternative? A great majority of the people here use Photoshop rather than cheaper alternatives, and I don't think the reason is that they're full of crap. Maybe it's not that bad?
Remember, guys, that I'm coming from PS 7 and going to PS 12. Among the new features, which most of you have probably been using for nearly a decade, is the ability to create SUB-GROUPS of layers.What new features make this more possible?
I already used groups, but the sub-groups make it possible for me to easily separate the central pod from the rest (booms and wings). This seemed important for the P-38. Might not make a lot of sense, but with the way my files are set up, it was complicated to do this until now.
Interestingly, and unexpectedly, PS 12 seems very slightly faster than PS 7 on my machine. I expected a loss in performance... Haven't tried 3D with it, but I don't use 3D for the moment and my graphics card is non-existent (integrated chipset).
Think if you read the small print, the teacher and student edition does not allow you to produce commercial/profit work, you have to upgrade to the full pack at full price to do this? But quite how they would police or enforce this, I have no idea. My wife and I are both working in schools at the mo, so let me know what you find out please![]()
Well, Jesters, you'll be happy to know that the S&T edition now does allow for commercial use. I think previously you had to wait for a couple of years or upgrade to the standard edition, but that is no longer the case. I was wondering about it myself and I wanted a clear answer, which can be found on the Adobe website (Academic software FAQ).
You can install it on two stations max, provided these are personal (i.e. not school- or company-owned machines). And of course, you can't sell your copy, because Adobe doesn't want us to go making profit on it, but I think that's fair enough.Can I use my Adobe Student and Teacher Edition software for commercial use? Yes. You may purchase a Student and Teacher Edition for personal as well as commercial use.
I sent them a copy of my payroll to prove I was eligible. They confirmed very quickly by email that I could purchase it, which I'll do this week.
I think when I was looking into CS5 amazon was marginally cheaper and just required something like the staff id card and payslip or letter from head of department etc shouldn't be too hard to pick up.