I love them great work
Wow! That nose art comes out really well! Nice job, Santino!![]()
I love them great work
Not too keen on the brush you used to do the weathering on the last one. It looks stamped and doesn't have any relation to the aircraft's shape and surface details. It's also too uniform from nose to tail. The metallic areas badly need a highlight too.
You pick some nice schemes, by the way. The nose art on the wolf one is wicked! Real nice job.
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or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
I have to agree with the chipping on the last profile. It's pretty easy to see a pattern and the chipping doesn't seem to relate to where you'd usually see it happen on a real plane. Think more along edges of removable panels, where the pilot or crew might tough the a/c when it's on the ground, etc.
There were also two different kinds of propeller hubs used on P-47s. A longer Curtis Electric one like you have illustrated, and a shorter Hamilton-Standard one. The H-S was used in later models, starting around the D-25. Note also that the Curtis props were cuffed (like Merlin engined P-51s) and the H-S props were not. The Curtis props were also slightly smaller diameter.
Curtis Electric
Another good link on P-47 props:
http://www.hfmodeling.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=SquawkBox&file=index&r eq=viewtopic&topic_id=128328&page=1
santynus, I'm not sure I can give advices to others since I'm myself quite new to profiling, but I'd suggest you not to be afraid to use gradients & blur filters (actually, any PS means possible) to give it a better shape/to form it properly.
Basically, you should aim to make it's fuselage look smth like oval...
Besides, the wing needs more 3D work... Please check this thread:
Apart from that -- you're doing along nicely...
Btw, Skyraider3D and Jarink are right about the paint chips... They all seem to repeat the same pattern -- so you need to be more random in that.
Last edited by Mangas; 20th February 2012 at 13:36.
Thank you for all comments and suggestions.I have corrected the paint chips on the P-47D-21-RE 225412, I hope now it looks better...
About the propellers "Curtis Electric/Hamilton-Standard"...
I know only the P-47D-22 and P-47D-25, mouted propeller Hamilton-Standard with short spinner... The P-47D-22-RE 226261 I made was wrong.I've ever seen that plane was designed with Curtis Electric propeller... but it mounted the Hamilton-Standard, I also corrected it ...
I made a new profile, a P-47D-15-RE and added the rivets on the fuselage too...