Eine sehr schlechte Nachricht Arjan.
Ich hoffe dennoch, dass wir in Verbindung
bleiben .
hi guys,
i thought of taking this one over, but i am not in the right frame of mind at the moment, sorry![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Hey guys, I've just spent some time trying to gather emails of all the Simmer's regulars...if for nothing else, just so we can keep in touch. I couldn't find everyone's emails, nor am I sure I even got all the regulars. If you don't get an email from me today, and you want to be on the list, please do email me-
dougzeug (AT) earthlink (DOT) net
Of course if you don't want to be involved, sorry if I've already emailed you.
...I'm sure I missed a lot of people...
sent ya an email doug![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Blowhard, have sent you an email.
This is really sad news, but I respect your decision. Don't sway too quickly for copyright claim letters though, it's 99% bluff and scare tactics and I doubt they could ever make you pay unless they take you to court which will cost them much more than they are willing to afford. If you close the site, that should be ample. Anyway don't take my word for it, as I don't know too much about it all, but personally I would definitely not pay.
But yes it does take the joy out of your hobby so I respect you'd rather close the sites than get more of these issues in the future...
As for a Simmers refuge place... I'd like to welcome all to
For the moment you can post in the 2D Military Sketchbook section (work-in-progress) and 2D Military Gallery (finished work). I will talk to the mods to make a dedicated profiles sub-forum, which will better suit the fluid style of Simmers' work (i.e. a mix of work-in-progress, finished, feedback, etc... in a single thread).
Please see Facebook for my latest work:
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
Hey Arjan,
I'm sure we all feel the same about losing Simmer's. I'm also sure we feel the same about what a great place this was.
No matter what happens, THANK YOU so much for hosting it and giving us a great place to do what we do!!!
Thanks Sky, if we don't get something else going, Meshes will be a nice place to go to.