Very sad news
i have to say thank you for your work Serval
I think lot of simmers user has got facebook account, on facebook we can make Groups. I think this is a good way... now
Serval, mate, thank you soo much for providing the venue to do what we do for so long and at such a high standard. I quite agree that once an issue like this comes along and threatens your wellbeing, it's time to pull out. We users can migrate to another place, it won't be the same, but it's only a minor inconvenience to us. For you, it can be life-changing.
Thank you for making all this possible in the first place.
Very sad news
i have to say thank you for your work Serval
I think lot of simmers user has got facebook account, on facebook we can make Groups. I think this is a good way... now
Whilst I fully agree with using a private forum, it has been suggested that access is invite only and whilst in essence this is fine my only concern is that there wouldn't be much new blood to keep us on our toes.
Could it be done so some areas are publicly visible and new users could apply to join and then have some criteria for signing up?
Also be happy to pay a small fee considering what I've got out of this place, not only the resources and info but the friends.
However many thanks Serval for what you have done over the years, it is appreciated.
Last edited by inkworm; 3rd June 2012 at 11:11.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I have discussed some things with a few people.
I am considering and testing to host the site on a NAS (hardly any hosting costs left).
The new version would be much smaller, no downloads section, no gallery, and less forums probabvly only for profiles.
The new version would indeed be more closed for example with viewing images (at least partially only available to registered member)
Viewing of pages for registered members works. As a fail safe to stop these issues arising again. Perhaps have a system whereas each new post has to be checked for copyright infringement. For example the posts remain hidden until approved by Admin or a Moderator. I know that these would incur a slight delay in posts being viewable. Maybe have more trusted mods on hand that are in charge of just checking these posts at different times throughout the day to enable quicker approval. Also set up a Simmers Paintshop Photobucket account giving members access to the passwords. So that any images that are posted that infringe copyright or members are unsure of can be moved or initially uploaded to the simmers photobucket account and direct linked into the post on Simmers? Therefore Simmers does not actually host the images but only the links. Chin up this place can get through this.![]()
"Doctor... it lives"! Hi Serval we know it takes time energy and resources to keep this stuff going. If you need anything (labour or financial) to help it along please advise. I don't want 2D meshes and the like, the best work is done here! I like it here...don't make me get a petition toghther, it will ultimately end in begging and that gets very embarrassing for an Englishman. Our ralling cry is Vive la Simmers!
Despite having moved much of my activity to the 3d forums, i would be very sad to see Simmers go. Hope this crisis will pass without closing down simmers.
I think the best way to go, would be to just remove the facilty for people to upload screenshots etc, then you cannot be hit with claims. Lets keep this site open. I would be happy to host and help run the site if you wish, along the above guidelines.
On behalf of RAZBAM, we would like to offer you a part of our servers if needed. We will tranfer you guys over, give oyu the space needed and will cost you guys nothing. We would love to do this. Contact me for more info. We will also help with the clean up of copyrighted photos and moniter those in the future. This is our offer and it is open.
Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances. Hope is the "feeling that what is wanted can be had, or that events will turn out for the best", looking forward to something with desire and reasonable confidence" or "feeling that something may happen". We have hope, we have people, forward my friends "Vive la Simmers!