I have an Idea to save the site....
What if the site becomes member owned and operated....Their are alot of companies here in the states who are employee owned...could'nt this be an option for SPS....
I am kinda new here yet, and have found the site the most helpful around when it comes to the tutorials and differant paint techs used by everyone....
I have done some research on this....And all that would really be needed is for members to take control of each section, and monitor that section to see everything is posted within a set of limits.
I really hate to see this site go....![]()
Yes, Mark,
It is in the section for regulars visitors/posters
Hi, Serval.
I know you for like 7 years, and all other guys for like a year but I can't imagine what whould I do w/out SPS... For most of us the SPS stopped being just a website long ago: it's more like a club, a friendly community full of open-minded & kind persons to help each other on some great projects. I think most of the residents here can share this POV.
Some ppl say there's no any "no-way-out" situations. Let's try to think about it this way too... I do think there should be some option to stay here.
Just tell us about the possibilities...
Is there a way we can send the cap round to get some sum to cover your recent expences? Or do I get it all wrong?
Hi Mangas.
Though not in the open, we are working to update the site to meet some requirements to make the chance of future troubles smaller.
Silly thing only is that I couldn't do much last week, since my internet connection was broken. In the repair the signal went to the neighbours house, it took them a week to discover the error
Guys, Im really sorry to hear about this, fingers crossed you can get to work it all out. Will be a shame to see it close.
Flying Legends Deano
Hi guys,
I've been absent for some time, because I had a very heavy week (organizing national exams at work). Is the new website up and running? Have I missed something? I'm a bit lost...![]()
I am currently working to get a test site up and running. But busy times at work (projects to be finished with vacations coming and less people to do the work) and a week without connection isn't exactly helping.
At the test server we will make a new design and test converting the site to it. When this is all working, I will announce that the site will close for a weekend and during this weekend I will convert the site to the new looks.
Great! Good luck with the crossover and thank you for your efforts.![]()
Congratulations and a humble thank you for your efforts. Look forward to seeing the new design.