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  1. #1

    In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Hello, and greetings to all.

    Our team of scuba divers (L'avion est identifi?, son pilote aussi ....) has, 4 weeks ago, discovered the wreck of a P-51B, ditched near Ajaccio, Corsica. I felt in love with the beast, and hours of internet searching allowed me to identify her. It is the plane of the Lt Taylor, 309th FS, 31st FG, who safely ditched after an escale at the Ajaccio airbase, July 5 1944. He was saved by a bystander, and we even have a witness of the crash.
    So we intend to write an article in our local press in... 2 weeks, and also to create a webpage to show our work.

    Here is the point, as uncle Sam said : I need you !
    Indeed, it would be great to show - to the press and on the net - what the plane looked like in "wet" condition. I have seen a bunch of great profiles on that site, and maybe one of you would accept to draw an historically accurate P-51B of the 309th for us. That work would be progressive, as we do not have the serial, and the exact markings for the moment... So if one of you is interested by our little adventure, dont hesitate to answer to that post for further informations.

    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Serval; 15th February 2007 at 20:40. Reason: corrected link
  2. #2

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Can be done, I figure it won't have to be the size mine are right now?
    Send me what you have on her and i will see what I can do.

    Samples here ---> Military art prints by Phoenix-art
  3. #3

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Thank you for answering so fast...
    Indeed, the profile dont have to be as big and accurate (by the way, I discovered your site : wow !), especially at that point. We just intend to show the people the general aspect the plane had. I send you a mail with the material I have.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile


    I notified one 31st FG expert. He should be here momentarily.
  5. #5

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Thank you Monguse, I'll stay in touch...
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    What an interesting project... Sebastien, please post an update when more information is available. I'm sure it would be appreciated by many.

  7. #7

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Thank you for your interest, pals, and remember my project relies on your help, so if you can diffuse my request to any specialist, I'll be glad.

    To thank you really, here is a simmers dream : look at the "joystick"...
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Last edited by Sebastien; 9th January 2007 at 21:44.
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Very nice subject. I'm sure that more people would be willing to make a skin/repaint based on this, when more information is available. I remember people getting pretty enthiousiastic on news of a raised Jug.
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    I agree, I already have my 31st FG B model Template humming...

    Last edited by monguse; 9th January 2007 at 23:37.
  10. #10

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Hey, this one is great, and so is the capture... Do you think that you can legally use a screenshot of a game to illustrate an article in the press? I am not a lawyer, who knows... But that would be a great illustration (with the WZ stuff) for our site.
    I am happy to have found people of good will there.

    By the way, the only source I have got for the accident is "in a forgotten sky", the history of the 31st FG. Maybe the exact lettering can be found in that book , so if somebody possesses that book and/or can enter in contact with his authors...

    Regards. Sebastien.

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