Funny you should ask, but Monguse does have that exact book.
Especially if you name the game the publisher won't mind. To be sure you can allways contact them.
In this case the skinner offers help, but when you use a skin made by someone, try to contact him about the use.
Some don't mind and even feel honored, others get quite upset. So, allways ask to be sure![]()
Great pics! I wouldn't mind seeing more of the underwater shots. Its sad to see such a pretty bird that way![]()
That's who I contacted, the author of "In a now Forgotten Sky", Dennis C. Kucera. I furnished him a portion of your post and the link to this thread. Hopefully he will show up rather quickly.
I double checked the book for July 5th 1944 and the only notaion on Lt. Taylor was that ... "[he was unlucky and the 31st FG made a couple of sweeps but did not find him]".
Concerning game screens, I think you can use them as long as you give credit to UBI and Maddox games, but again I'm not a lawyer.
We could do a couple of things, we can fly them around, make screens and send them off to some screen shot artist like Graf or Simplex.
International Online Competition league :: View topic - 12th AF P-51 31st FG 307th, 308th FS Skins
However, if you want a very very good profile, many are around but in my opinion Ink is right up there with the best.
I sent off what I had as textures (skins to Jester) I'll be more than glad to texture/create a skin of Lt. Taylor's aircraft once the tail code is identified.
All the best,
Last edited by monguse; 10th January 2007 at 02:28.
You should get in touch with a guy who goes by the nick of System-M on these boards, he has done razorbacked mustangs in the past in profile and I am sure he can knock something very pretty up for you ASAP![]()
I am on a little cloud thanks to you guys...
To Monguse: in the book (fogotten sky), you can check the pages 259 to 262, in which the accident is related . "Ajacia" stands for Ajaccio, of course. The author seems to have a lot of pics, so I hope he will find something.
to tell the truth, I used that book only thanks to a web service of online "word picking" (big puzzle, it took hours): I discovered its existence last sunday, and it takes 4 to 8 weeks to receive it at home in France. Too bad they dont have an e-book selling service. My apologizes to the authors, but I was so impatient to solve my enigma I could not wait. Of course, the book will be quoted on the page to come, nothing could have happened without their work.
For the moment, my priority is to check all the wrecks pics, and to try to determinate wether our plane was olive drab or bare metal. For the rest, I only know the squadron lettering WZ =0= "?"... My idea is to get an approximate profile -even partially wrong - for the press article ASAP... And maybe to let you, artists of skinning and painting, work more carefully after checking further datas, if you are still willing.
Time to go to bed for me but I keep in touch...
Thanks for all your answers. I will be able to post news tomorrow.
Best regards. Sebastien.
Last edited by Sebastien; 10th January 2007 at 02:49.
If I may, for the press article maybe you could reach UBI (game publisher in France) and get all the permissions you need to use a screen captures. More than likely, UBI will contact Oleg Maddox the owner of (1C) in Russia.
Once you have the missing fuselage code It would not take me long to create a skin, bearing in mind that some one might have photos of Taylor's aircraft.
If you can please post here 31st FG and ask any questions. Many of the participants might be the veterans themselves or family members of the 31st FG.
I will try my best to contact other knowledgeable people.
Good luck
I have shared this with a couple of Hitorical friends. One is TOAD a modertor at UBI and he has posted this link to all Admins at the UBI Forums.
Sebastien check your PM you have a note from a friend of mine
Last edited by monguse; 10th January 2007 at 13:06.
Wonderful !!!!!!
I took the liberty to forward this link to the UBI people, since I moderate over there. Possibly it will shorten or lower the Hoop.
I'll contact Oleg too via email.
Absolutley wonderful !!!!!!
So glad she was found and it has no ill feelings of a Lost airman attached to it.![]()
Hello Sebastien,
really an interesting find there! I must say that I kinda envy you now
Im looking forward to the profile Jester will come up with as his work so far is really stunning. Please mate, make it not below the standards of the 109 when it coems to details.. although that might be tricky with the timeframe in this particular case.
Furthermore Im curious to see the skin Monguse will surely make. I'd even try to make a screenshot based artwork of the ditching event. I don'T know if it would be allowed for press releases though. I'd do it anyways as soon as I know a bit more
Sebastien, Monguse knows the author of this very book pretty good and the 31st FG expert he talked about a bit up is D. Kucera afaikMonguse and his connections to MTO experts already helped me creating this artwork:
Thanks and please keep us updated!
EDIT: oops, started writing before guse jumped in personally, sorry for caused confusion...
Im here!!!! I have a P-51B template profile I have produced P-51s for a book referencing USAAF operations over europe from Italy aswell as artowork for the 31st FG Ace Robert Goebel and 52bdFG the Late Herky Green and am in good connections with our pal guse and could knock you one up ina few days without any trouble at all. just give me the details and itl be done before you know it. Heres a sample low res.
Last edited by System-M-; 11th January 2007 at 00:08.