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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    East Oklahoma (Texan by Birth)

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Stunning work Gents!
  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    I have added the yellow wing stripes (same as Capt. Loving [at the time]) and some new stuff, so the skin is basically done.

    We await new information.
  3. #53

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Sebastien, any chance you could contact Guse through e-mail and let him have the pics you sent to me pls?

    WZ=0=I so far.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Here are my finals, you might need to click on the images to get the full size.

  5. #55

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile


    Congrats, Jesters and Monguse! Guse, I can send any pic if you reply my PM. Indeed, seems perfect, but "WZ" letters need to be moved up, and pistol hole to be a bit enlarged. Don't hesitate to ask for any detail.

    At that point, we rely on Mr Taylor -sent him a quite big interview yesterday by postage- and for the ditching event on the witness I'll meet saturday. So we need to be patient a couple of days now.

    Another clue for us : see the profile Mr Loving sent to me. Damn serial !
    Attached Images Attached Images  
  6. #56

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    I wouldn't rely on that profile too much as we can see from real photographs it’s full of errors. So I wouldn't worry about the stripes on the tail, they are, how can we say, make believe? As we can already see, the second stripe was not present. I had an extensive chat with Guse last night and he assures me that the anti glare shield on the nose of the aircraft was painted in “Olive drab” as were all 31st FG aircraft. Flare pistol port will be enlarged tonight ;-)

    And now thanks to Guse and Sebastien I now have the Pony bug, I think this is horse flu. The D being drawn at full pixel count

  7. #57

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Totally agree with your general appreciation about the profile... Just got a little doubt about the number of letters painted on the tail. But I guess we will soon collect other 309th "B's" pics.

    BTW, your profile is so better-looking !

    Last edited by Sebastien; 17th January 2007 at 13:15.
  8. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile


    Conserning the anti-glare panel. I have some color photos of 31st FG aircraft (they can be found of the web) as well as color photos of 52nd FG from the book Yellow Tailed Mustangs. I can assure you, the color is olive drab and not black.

    The flare pistol port I have scaled according to pictures I have of a close up walk around which I sent to Ink. However, if you have a different picture I'll be more than glad to scale it accordingly.

    I shall PM you and include my email.

    BTW we have some special things we are cooking.
  9. #59

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile

    Hi all,

    I don't let you down, but after the "scoops" we had last week, news are coming more slowly now, and we have to be patient...

    I have met the witness last saturday. Very kind man, who was 14/15 in 1944, and followed the crash with his father's binoculars. A few points to enlight - with Mr Taylor's point of view - : our witness is not sure that the plane was "silver", he also believes the crash took place at 11 PM approx. (which doesn't match with the mission to B?ziers, I guess), and that it happened around april. But he was young, it was 60 years ago, and above all, the story of the pilot's rescue completely match with Taylor's tale. Our witness reports he saw "big flames" exhausting from the pipes, 2 meters long, reaching the star of the fuselage, without smoke. The plane was very low, almost touched the phone lines on the coast, before reaching the sea. He swerved 2 times and sank, and after that, all that one could see was the pilot in his dinghy, and a "large green spot" around.
    Anybody has ever heard about a chemical tracer ? And the meaning of a "smokeless" flame? That would help to confirm and explain... Of course, I still wait Mr Taylor's answers to the big interview he must have received now.
    I have a bunch of pics of the place of the crash, so Simplex, if you are still interested, I could send them to you.

    Keep connected !
  10. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: In desesperate need of a P-51B profile


    I am following the thread carefully and full of itnerest, just can't post this week as i am not at home. I'm surely interested in the photos and would love to get them mailed to the my adress you know from our mails regarding the interview.

    Thanks a heap, Simplex

    From Simplex

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