Hi all,
Sorry for yesterday, I promised to inform you, but had no news... I'm still waiting further pics of the wreck, and the contact to interview the witness of the crash, in order to establish the plane's true colors (which should be, I'm 90 percent sure, bare metal, but...). For the lettering, We will have to wait a little bit, I'm afraid.
To all those it may concern : I discovered the site of George Loving, ace of the 309th. Beautiful pics of his P-51 B "WZ-D", interesting for the "candy stripes" on the tail (3 only...). Check them here : http://home.att.net/~georgeloving/wsb/html/view.cgi-photos.html-.html
Simplex, your idea about the ditching event is great, as your impressive work : welcome on board !!!
System-M, I welcome your proposal too. In fact, I'm already in contact with Jesters Ink, but as far as I'm not here to sign any contract, nor to launch any kind of contest (who am I to do that), well... Welcome on board too.
I stay connected tonight (its 8 PM here).