Published on 13th December 2015 19:51
Paths, Selections, and Channels in GIMP
by adlabs6
March 14, 2007
GIMP is a free graphics package that has been avaliable for several years. My first experience with GIMP came a good while ago, and it was not a pleasant experience. Frequent crashes made my working on a project almost impossible to manage.
About two months ago I started wondering what ever became of the GIMP project, and decided I'd give it another try with it's most current stable release. I can happily report that release 2.2.13 has been wonderfully stable on my WinXP machine. Shortly after I decided that I would write a few tutorials on using the GIMP for skinning or profile creation, focusing on the parts of the application that would be most useful for artists new to the software.
In this article I'll look at the application of paths, selection tools, and channels in creating selections.
The first feature I'll look at is the path tool. I'll outline this tool first because it is also useful during the creation of selections, which we'll cover later.
Paths in GIMP are vector shapes, which are handled in their own layer stack separate from the main raster layer stack. A vector shape is not made of pixels, such as the bitmaps we are used to working with, but are instead made up of anchors which have mathematically calculated