This is a quick and simple way of using Mac’s Remove white, IM certain there are many way’s but this is how I use it. I will employ several screen shots of the process and hopefully you can gleen the information

Start with your project like this, this is PSP 10 so it will look slightly different from PSP 7 and so on. Make sure the layer you will be working with it highlighted as shown.

Here in Fig. 2 you can see the remove white filter as listed in your effects browser at the top of your PSP desk top as shown.

Here in Fig. 3 you can see that I have turned off the bottom layer leaving the top layer named death. I am only doing this for instructional purposes so that you can see what is occurring in the work area as I go along.

Here in Fig. 4 you can see I have the layer I will be working with highlighted. If you do not have this layer highlighted as shown do so , or the work your doing could be to another layer which is not what you want cause you will have to go back and fix it , thus making more work for yourself.

Now locate your Mac’s Remove White filter in your Effects Browser as shown above, when located, double clicking it will activate the filter and it will remove all the white located on this particular layer that is being worked upon.

Here in Fig. 6 you can clearly see all the white on the layer has been successfully removed.

Now you must save your work so it isn’t lost, either click the little floppy disk as shown or use the Ctrl + S key’s of your key board to do the saving.

Here you can see your saved work, this will remove anything white on a given layer. If it doesn’t work for you correctly then there are two problems.
- You may not have the filter installed correctly.
- You may not have the needed dll files which are required to operate this filter. These can be obtained off the download section of the Simmers Paint Shop site.
Again this is nothing spectacular this is a simple process that once done a few times on your own will lead to other ideas and some experimentation on your own which could result in some really unique effects. I hope this was of use and if there are any other issues with Paint Shop Pro please do not hesitate to ask. I am not an expert in the use and applications of PSP , but I know enough of the basic’s to help get you started which will lead you to your own self discovery.