For those seeking more detailed info on this subject, be sure to check out this article I've linked below. -adlabs6
Hello again!
IM seeing some issues with using bright and this small tutorial with pictures hopefully will elevate the problems you are having. I will Use a F^F Template which I downloaded from the Simmers website , so Kudos? to you guys for hosting the layered templates.

Start with your skin in Paint Shop Pro. As shown, this is PSP 10 but the principals remain the same for all of the Paint Shop programs.

The first step is to save your work as a Windows O/S ( operating system ) Bmp Image by going up to the upper left of your PSP desk top as shown and click On the file tab and then scroll down to save as and click it.

When you click the save as option A save as menu box will appear as shown. Make sure the File name is correct, and that save as type is a Bmp Image file just As it looks in the Picture above. Once it looks like this click the save button and it will save to where ever you tell It to be saved to, for simplicity I save all my work to my desktop for ease of work.

If you receive a prompt like this just click yes all it?s telling you is that all layers Will be merged on your saved image.

Here you can see your skin image saved to you computer desk top at this Point the image has not been resized, you will need to do so , so that your Il-2 game will see your skin.

Now open your Bright folder as shown and drag and drop your new skin file into It as shown.

See the little gear gizmo in this screen shot? You will double click this which will begin the resizing and adjusting of all the Colors in your skin, an amazing tool I salute the person who made this for us To use.

Here you can see the Bright Program converting your skin A DOS prompt Window should open as shown above, but it?s my understanding that this does Not occur on all systems.

Once your skin is resized you can drop it back onto your Computer Desktop And now you will navigate to your IL-2 game folder and open the Paint Schemes Folder as shown.

Locate and open your skins folder within the paint schemes folder as shown.

Once you have located the proper skin folder for the new skin, just drag and drop It into the folder and close everything up and start your game. Choose your skin form the options menu and your in business.
I hope this helps you with using Bright. If you need any other help please feel free to contact me on the Simmers painting forums, or by e-mail.