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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Here are the pics from JAGDWAFFE:

    According to the book they are shot at late summer '43
    It is obvous that the tulip was not painted yet at that time.

    Studying the above pics I can find some differences and possible mistakes
    that can be seen here:

    From left to right:
    The red triangle stencil was probably placed over the access door not next to it, as the "glycol water 50-50" one should have been overpainted by the red tulip or masked, thus revealing the original factory finish as backround.
    The supercharger intake was mottled.
    The cockpit air ventilation intake should be ommited.
    No umbrella holders seem to be present.
    Check the fuel indicator stencil size and placement.
    The joint of the antenna wire to the fuselage should be close to the tail.
    The outline of number 1 should be more pronounced, as for the inside color,
    judging from the shade of gray on the pic I'll concure with the others that it should have been probably green.
    The white tail paint should stop at the height of stabillisers at the tail-fuselage upper joint.
    The Wr.No as the caution stencil below stabiliser were masked before the tail painting and should retain the factory finish as backround,on the contrary the red stencil on the top of the rudder was overpainted.

    I studied a lot the pics to find out the Wr.No and I believe you are right and the last digit was really a 9 and not 3 or 5.

    You can study the pics yourself and find your own conclusions, I hope I helped a bit...

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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Quote Originally Posted by elephant View Post
    Here are the pics from JAGDWAFFE:

    According to the book they are shot at late summer '43
    It is obvous that the tulip was not painted yet at that time.

    Studying the above pics I can find some differences and possible mistakes
    that can be seen here:

    From left to right:
    The red triangle stencil was probably placed over the access door not next to it, as the "glycol water 50-50" one should have been overpainted by the red tulip or masked, thus revealing the original factory finish as backround.
    The supercharger intake was mottled.
    The cockpit air ventilation intake should be ommited.
    No umbrella holders seem to be present.
    Check the fuel indicator stencil size and placement.
    The joint of the antenna wire to the fuselage should be close to the tail.
    The outline of number 1 should be more pronounced, as for the inside color,
    judging from the shade of gray on the pic I'll concure with the others that it should have been probably green.
    The white tail paint should stop at the height of stabillisers at the tail-fuselage upper joint.
    The Wr.No as the caution stencil below stabiliser were masked before the tail painting and should retain the factory finish as backround,on the contrary the red stencil on the top of the rudder was overpainted.

    I studied a lot the pics to find out the Wr.No and I believe you are right and the last digit was really a 9 and not 3 or 5.

    You can study the pics yourself and find your own conclusions, I hope I helped a bit...

    VERY good post man Informative and helpfull!

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  3. #13

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    This is where the problems start Elephant, Graf had at least 2 aircraft at a time.
    Chances of them being painted identical would be pretty slim.

    This is roughly what stage I got to last time before sticking the whole Graf project on hold.

    I have had information passed to me from a person who worked on the "A pair of Aces" book with Claes, that original film footage of Graf's tulip nosed 109 was made available to Claes. So I can't see Claes getting too much wrong. Although things do still tend to get missed.

    Things tend to go wrong when people make the assumption all the photographs available of Graf's 2 aircraft are of 1 single aircraft.

    This is as far as I got with the tulip nose----->

    So . . .alter the white on the tail get more info on the Works number and stick a fork in it before I go mad.
  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Don't forget that at least from the above pics of 15919 (99,9%) it was a G5.
    Sorry for the intrusion...I've deleted the G6 air ventilation intake.

    Find my skins
  5. #15

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    No intrusion at all Elephant, this project has been on and off the shelf more times than a thing that has been on and off the shelf a lot.
  6. #16

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    May I add this wee gem incase it hasnt been brought into the mix

  7. #17

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Now thats interesting, offset mount holes for the "would be trop filter" and something I forgot to change, the stencil on the bib was painted around.
  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Yes, indeed and I can also see the factory tag pinned just below the mg bulge.

    PS Sorry, just realised that it couldn't be visible from the profile's point of view...

    Also from the pic above, the tip of the pitot tube is left in natural metal and ... the lower hakencrosses are outlined in black or not? what do you think?
    Last edited by elephant; 31st May 2008 at 14:16.
    Find my skins
  9. #19

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    I'd say by looking at your pic there its a no, I could be wrong.
  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    My eyes may have tricked me.
    It's like there is a dark edge between the white of the hakencross and the underside color, but I guess it's an optical illusion created by the degree of contrast between the two colors.
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