Here are the pics from JAGDWAFFE:
According to the book they are shot at late summer '43
It is obvous that the tulip was not painted yet at that time.
Studying the above pics I can find some differences and possible mistakes
that can be seen here:
From left to right:
The red triangle stencil was probably placed over the access door not next to it, as the "glycol water 50-50" one should have been overpainted by the red tulip or masked, thus revealing the original factory finish as backround.
The supercharger intake was mottled.
The cockpit air ventilation intake should be ommited.
No umbrella holders seem to be present.
Check the fuel indicator stencil size and placement.
The joint of the antenna wire to the fuselage should be close to the tail.
The outline of number 1 should be more pronounced, as for the inside color,
judging from the shade of gray on the pic I'll concure with the others that it should have been probably green.
The white tail paint should stop at the height of stabillisers at the tail-fuselage upper joint.
The Wr.No as the caution stencil below stabiliser were masked before the tail painting and should retain the factory finish as backround,on the contrary the red stencil on the top of the rudder was overpainted.
I studied a lot the pics to find out the Wr.No and I believe you are right and the last digit was really a 9 and not 3 or 5.
You can study the pics yourself and find your own conclusions, I hope I helped a bit...