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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    TV, I'll say this once more. The profile you have is correct in all aspects except one. It WAS a G-5. It had to be pressurized because of the altitudes he was fighting at and the G-6 was not a pressurized variant. This aircraft was kitted out to combat bombers (hence the WGr. underwing launchers) which Graf was noted for. However, this artist is simply reiterating the same mistake made by Rikyu Watanabe many years ago which subsequent artists have blindly mimicked. The numeral 1 was not red for the simple reason that this was a staff aircraft. Tactical markings on staff aircraft were done in GREEN! In fact at least two historians (one British and the other French) also claim the nose scallops were done in green as well. If and when a colour photograph ever turns up, then we will know the truth. In the meantime, we are left with trying to interpret black and white photos as best as we are able to. Revolver, I really do wish I could understand what you are saying, but unfortunately I can't speak German and the only link you provide to your information is a dead one.
  2. #32

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Right Gents, its time I put this one to bed . . . .
    Grafs Bf109G-5/R2 retrofitted with the Wfr.Gr. 21 mortar-rocket launch tubes.
    Graf must have had 2 aircraft whilst with JG50 hence photographs showing two totally different nose jobs, one with tulip nose and huntsman logo under cockpit one without.
    The other aircraft also had the loop mast behind the cockpit too, so I am ruling out that it was the same aircraft with an updated paint job.
    In his book "graf-grislawski a pair of Aces" Sundin presents this aircraft as a G-6 sporting Wr N 16346.
    Since the aircraft type must be wrong, I also question the Werks Number too.
    I’m going to go with 15193.
    Updated pitot, hud guns, removed intake in front of pit and moved radio details.
    Now green 1, not red 1.

    White tail area altered.
    Outer gear doors added
    White wall tire.

    If anyone would like to add anything or pass comment, please do. This is such a grey area I don’t think any single person knows exactly what this aircraft did look like.
    Image to date . . . . .

  3. #33

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Meticulous as ever m8..well done..will look lovely on my wall
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  4. #34

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Oh my, crossing Christer Bergstr?m? Dangerous territory there Jester
    But, you have to go with what you think is right of course
    It still looks as amazing as before, if not more so

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    Indeed amazing! Can't wait to have her hanging on me wall.
  6. #36

    Re: German AC experts . . Help pls

    I think I made a typo on the wrks number it is 15913.

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