You've handled the white/light grey rather well.![]()
Apply shadow to the undercarriage legs and under the wings. The under wing will be as shaded as the underside of the fuselage, while the top part of the undercarriage door will be shaded by the wing. Also the fuselage under the wing should be shaded.
As for the "white", I use 240,240,240 for white so it can been seen against a 255,25,255 background. My grey spectrum "ends" at 50,50,50, which is what I use for black paint, such as radomes, anti-glare panels and deicers. The point I'm making is that a light grey might need to something around 220,220,220 or darker (or with a colour tint added)
You've handled the white/light grey rather well.![]()
It's a tough grey to do, AEh-9 Grey is so close to white, the grey ran through it. here's a capture I did of it from the Hobbyvista VVS site, which I highly recommend. I feel confident in the accuracy of their colours.
as I mentioned it's about 65% done I have a long long way to go yet.
Colour is a very subjective thing, too. At my old flightsim site,, people were asked to interpret the colours in airline colour schemes. Working from the same photos it was amazing that eight or so expert flightsim repainters could come up with such a wide variety of colours. Different graphics cards, different monitors, different colour/contrast settings and different brains. It was ai-aardvark that convinced me the extremes of the grey spectrum should be avoided in flightsim and profile art because they look unnatural. But I do use pure white and pure black for shading.
My comments on grey were made purely as something to think about, not a golden rule. I am sure everything said here is intended to be helpful, things to used or discarded as suits the painter.
Yes you're quiet right anadc4, it's very subjective. I appreciate all advice![]()
I have worked away on the profile more and it's about 95% done maybe 90% is more accurate. I see have lots of time to work on it as the profile showcase is not until summertime.
Firstly thankyou for the compliments and opinions
It's not white, it's Aeh-9 Grey....maybe I need to tone it down just a spec?....but if you look at the paint chip I posted it's so close to white. it's as though the grey sprinted through it at mach 9. It's such a subtle colour, I can see the differance......I'm sorry if I seem angry or rude, niether of which I am or attempting to be. I am just a little miffed. To those not really into Russian planes I have noticed a lack of knowledge of VVS areolaquers everythign is either a green that is nothing from the VVS aroelaquers or it's white, which is far from the case. The big thing is if I tone it down it will be another grey completely.
To realize the subtleness, I am going to put from Mk-7 White, which is similar to the white distemper used to for winter comoflouge, which this plane is not in, to the Aeh-9 Grey next grey Aeh-8 Grey. The source I am using also states that these examples are for representitive purposes only. As anadc4 pointed out, it is very subjective, On here the SPS Colour sawtch for VVS aircraft; the Aeh-9 looks like it has blue in it to me. Maybe I do need to tone it down but then it looks like another shade, Aeh-8...but then again how many people will notice?I will and I will know too and that's something I can't accept. I have even used my digital colour meter and it is getting the exact same numbers from chip to applied colour of my profile. But, still I think it gives a very good indication just how fine and how subtle a colour it is;
I appreciate the comments and ideas. Please do not think I am not listening or pondering points![]()
I also use Hobbyvista as a reference when working on VVS schemes but keep this in mind: there are no absolutes as far as colours are concerned. So don't hesitate to make your grey a bit darker if you want people to consider it as grey and not white. Call it artistic license and historical honesty.
I've long since decided that when I work on a particular colour, I'll try to get it right, but won't go into long discussions and/or arguments with people about what it should be exactly. Generally, if I feel confident that it's relatively accurate, and if I like the colour, I stick with it.
One of the things I like on SPS is that people here seem to tacitly agree with that. You rarely get comments like "your colouring is wrong" or "that's not June 1937 Munich-plant RLM 78!".
Ok, No worries Supah, Thanks gamarywhat about over all image? I have been using Blowhards Zero as referance for cleanliness of image and so forth. Any suggestions on that? Geatean I have seen your work so I hope you and Blowhard can give me some more advice. All of which I appreciate and am learning
art be it painting or doing techincal profiles is a never ending process.
Last edited by kidcan; 15th January 2008 at 09:29.