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  1. #31

    Re: My first profile

    Sundins “magical texturing technique", which the rest of us can only dream about.
    If I ever grow up I want to be just like him
    Claes, I hope you're reading this with a smile

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: My first profile

    Do you guys know this is Sundin's? Or are we just presuming?

    This is by him, some "magical texturing":

    Name:  Me262_yellow8b.jpg
Views: 264
Size:  31.9 KB

    Amusingly, the rivets are square-shaped. Is that a mistake as I presume or does the 262 have square rivets (never heard of anything like it but who knows?)?
  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: My first profile

    I thought at least some of the rivets on the 262 were covered in putty or something to reduce drag?

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Tamworth, UK

    Re: My first profile

    yer i had the same opinion as you adlabs, the putty/tape was applied to smoothen the fuselage out and therefore reduce drag on recessed/extruding items, i believe a great case of testing drag on rivets was done with split peas although they might have achieved less drag still if they had boiled them and turned them into a paste which then could be smoothed over the rivet heads and subsequently hardened. can make the difference between as little as 0.1mph faster per rivet, and in a dogfight you want the speed so you can hit and run, and hit again and............ its repeatable! speed in tight situation = survival. think i've got rid of all the key words i want to use
  5. #35

    Re: My first profile

    You make a key words list, I never thought of that
  6. #36

    Re: My first profile

    OK, now back to the point of this post....*cough* hi over here*waves*

    This is my most recent work, I still have to do some "popping" make certain corners pop out,giving the cowling band more of a polished look.I also fixed the type as the style is very cool but hard to read so I gave it a few em's of space But I am happy with the diection it is going. I also am learning lots about PhotoShop CS3!!! which is never a bad thing!

    After Blowhards comments I went back to a great book called" the Study of Shape, Form, Depth and Dimmension. It's more for drawing and painting. But it has a good chapter about combining mutliple shapes and seeing them for the basic shapes they are.

    The I-16 if you were to rough it would be numerous tubes and ellipses, or circles.
    So keeping that in mind I re-did the shading and added very subtle wear. This is a commanders plane in 1936. Commanders and all major ranking officials aircraft were kept in emaculate condition, even when the war started.The ground crew recieved rewards for keeping the planes in tip top shape. If you go to Wikepedia and Type in Hero of the Soviet Union. A search can be done of all tthe pre-war and GPS medals and awards, awarded to Russian military personel. A distinguished carrer in the Soviet forces could land you a nice house and a decent life. Go to Avia-n-Areo and look there. There are a quite few, sadly, pictures of Barbarossa showing planes that are in well preserved, obviously High ranking personel aircraft abbandoned. There's one of an I-153 that is as white as snow and the cowling band is polished to the point of a mirror. Everything around it is destroyed.

    So here's my latest effort:
  7. #37

    Re: My first profile

    Do I know Claes Sundin? No, only in a "magical" sense by looking at his art for years
    But, he is a member here although it looks like he's never posted.
    Simmers Paint Shop - vBulletin Message
    So, look out guys, we're in the presence of greatness, he may be lurking here
    Amusingly, the rivets are square-shaped. Is that a mistake as I presume or does the 262 have square rivets
    This may be a trick of reproduction and pixels and not really what the image looks like in person.
    I thought at least some of the rivets on the 262 were covered in putty or something to reduce drag
    Agent Matt is right, but I think the drag reduction was only part of it. Most accounts say it was to cover very poor fit of the panels. They were being built largely by unskilled labor at this time, and made in subassemblies and final assembly was usually done outdoors under camouflage nets :P
    But no matter what, they were taped and puttied as you can see by this unpainted plane.

    This same unfinished puttied metal can be seen on many other planes of that time like the He 162.
    OK, now back to the point of this post....*cough* hi over here*waves*
    What? Oh, er...are you sure that's not white?
    The fuselage looks much better. But do check the spinner, I think the upper shadow should be a bit lighter and the lower shadow should be larger.
    Maybe the wing fillet size could be increased?
    The rivets on the cowling look pretty good
    What does everyone else think?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Tamworth, UK

    Re: My first profile

    its definately getting there, i agree with BH's spinner comment i'm just getting used to photoshop now it finally arrived! so cant comment really must concentrate.
  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: My first profile

    That new version is indeed better, kidcan. The shape comes out better IMO.

    Sorry for the OT diversion: I initially posted the I-16 profile as a good example of how it could be done. (And my question was not "does anybody know C-S" but "does anyone know for sure that I-16 profile is made by C-S?")
  10. #40

    Re: My first profile

    does anyone know for sure that I-16 profile is made by C-S?
    Pretty sure it is, he's been doing Black Cross + Red Star for a volume or more, it looks like his work for sure.

    This one CERTAINLY is, it's from his site-

    Luftwaffe Fighter Aces Aircraft in Profile


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