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  1. #181
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Fife, Scotland

    Re: P-51 Mustang WIP

    I love anything bluenosed! ..Great BLOWHARD says....really nice metal effect.
    If it wasn't for Meyer having the accident (car) he probably would have over taken Preddy as Top 51 Ace.
    Last edited by CRIPES_A_MIGHTY; 8th January 2013 at 09:13.
    "Second To None"
  2. #182
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: P-51 Mustang WIP

    I find it fascinating that you and I both have Mustang threads dating from around the same time (late 2008) yet we both continue to constantly re-work our profiles. You could build the real thing from scratch in less time.

    Do you think its a reflection on the quality of our work or just on us!

    I'm not sure if its the expanse of blue on the nose or if its the exhaust smoke, but I wonder if the front half of the NMF is a little dark. I'm only getting a sense of NMF aft of the canopy.

    Its a tricky medium between too dark and too light, and its something I continue to struggle with. Sometimes I think mine is to dark then its to light, that why I've been at it for 4 years I guess.
  3. #183

    Re: P-51 Mustang WIP

    It is one of those aircraft that you can't avoid, I know that if I had the time and didn't already have a mild interest in the Harrier it would be a type I'd come back to again and again.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  4. #184
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: P-51 Mustang WIP

    I've been looking for some hours for any info (well, pictures ideally) about a 486 FS / 352 FG P-51D-5-NA: Little Marjie flow by Ernest Bostrom. Its serial is 44-13929.

    Does anyone have info about this aircraft? I've been through publications and several Google searches with no success, so I'm hoping someone on SPS might be have something I can use.

    Winner gets a free beer!

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