If we are talking about IL2/1946, the skins need to be reduced to 256 colour depth and saved as .bmp's. When you say "voids" you are using the black and white images that come with the game?
hey everyone i'm looking into having a go at this skinning lark however i'm running into problems i'm trying to create a skin from voids using the trial version of corel paintshop pro
problem i'm getting is 1: the plugins dont work (something about the file not being correct)
and 2: when i save the file it doesnt appear durin the game (yes i'm saving it in the correct skins folder)
i'm currently running on windows vista
any ideas where i'm going wrong?
What is the exact error for problem 1?
Did you place this DLL file in the PSP folder? (next to the PSP exe-file):
Simmers Paint Shop Forums - Downloads - msvcrt10.dll
Do not overwrite the file without making a backup when it exists. Some people prefer to place the file in the Windows System directory, but there it might influence behaviour of other software as well.
About your files not being visible in the game.
Most likely you saved them in 24 bit and not 8 bit/256 colors (indexed color) mode.
You can do it from within PSP but many people like BRIGHT for that as well.
thanks for the help guys the remove white plugin is now working but even when i save a file in 256bit format its still not appearing in the game can someone please explain in detail how to decrease the colour depth as its probably me doing something wrong
thanks again for all the help its most appriciated![]()
Did you try Bright? Just follow the tutorial
ok re-traced my steps start to finish turned out to be vista saving it as something other than rgb format or whatever it is i just checked the box and everything is working fine now thanks for all the help guys its been most apriciated