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  1. #31

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    J,.. said it b4 m8... your a perfectionist till death! ...bout time i picked my crayons up again and got on with some work eh!!... looking beautiful as ever bud..well done!

    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    Its always a pleasure to see your new work Jester. Clean and precise.
  3. #33

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    Thx guys, you're a good bunch here thats for sure.
    Plenty of help/input and its its all valuable, thanks again.

    A quick update with plenty of road to go.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    She's a real beauty, Jesters! My only comment would be that you should reinforce the shading on top of the engine nacelle, to distinguish more clearly from the fuselage.

    Nice work on the gun exhaust stains!
  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Yet another Me 262


    Just beautiful--what talent!!

    Only suggestion I have is that the shadow of the leading and trailing edges of the wing cast on the nacelle should have curvature (down and forward) to follow roundness of nacelle.

    Fantastic work!
  6. #36

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    More testing . . .

  7. #37

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    now THESE i want prints of!!..well done bud!
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  8. #38

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    OH MY, it's MARVELOUS.
    But, and there just has to be a but, that tail camouflage should be hard edged. I looked real quick in a few of my books and I didn't find a photo of that plane, but others from the same series and unit, white 4, and white 7, both from Kommando Novotny. I have yet to see a photo of this distinctive tail treatment that doesn't have nice sharp edges. Do you have a photo that shows it? Is it speculative based on a plane with similar markings that has a white S under it's tail? Ya just has to tell me what reference you're using. Osprey? The plane shown there is based on photos of a plane that was in another unit, and thought to have come from Novotny's group. The S is thought to be for Schule, but it's not known for sure. That plane shows no Wr.N. I have 2 or 3 good photos of it but it has a painted intake cowling, not bare metal. I believe the Osprey artist based that on White 4 which had a bare metal cowl.
    If it follows along with the other similarly marked Novotny planes, shouldn't the werk nummer be larger and be stencil pattern? (of course if it is the plane with the S, maybe no Wr.N at all?)
    No matter what, unless you've got a photo of this plane that shows soft edges, that camouflage on the tail should be sharp edged.
    Sorry to be so picky but this is WAY too important of a plane not to be picky with
    I'll be glad to scan the photos for you if you don't have them already

    ...or...are you already way ahead of me???

  9. #39

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    Ahead of you, nah I recon I'm about 2 lifetimes behind . . . .

    These are the questions I only have two words for as an answer.
    "damn" and "really"? repeat as many times as there are questions.

    In truth, there is still a fair amount of work to do on the detail side.
    Flare ports, inside pit handle and other stuff, to name but two.

    As for the paint job, I only have 4 very small B/W photographs to work from (white 4 and white 1 being in most of them) and now that I look back again, the engine cowl does look orange yellow rather than unpainted metal. The tail shots are too far away do be of any real use. Yes there is a small "S" on the rear of the fuselage.<---was 00:00 hours.
    Sooooo . . . . any pictures of these areas would be like "happy birthday to me".
    Bows head and clasps hands in a preying nature.
  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Yet another Me 262

    BH, you are correct on two counts. The "S" does denote a "schule". It was not uncommon for pilots to commandeer these aircraft when the need arose. The tail cam was typical of the Nowotny geschwader (who were noted for experimental schemes), but I'm not sure if it's hard edged or not. Jester, you may be right about the cowl being in yellow. A few other profilers have interpreted it that way as well.

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