A broche? A hat? A Pteradactyl?
I would guess late world war two jet? But i am probs wrong! Maybe something from the 50's
hi guys,
got bored with the P38, so i will leave that for now, here is a part of what i am working on now,
anyone guess what it is!!???
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
A broche? A hat? A Pteradactyl?
I would guess late world war two jet? But i am probs wrong! Maybe something from the 50's
Looks a bit Grumman. Is it some sort of Bearcat?
A Do-355 I think. Nobody's done one of those in a while.
I don't think its a 355, it has the stub exhausts of a radial.
I did Do 335.. that one is not a 335 for sureBut neither I have any clue what this can be....
hi guys,
no, no, no, he he i like this, here is some more for you,
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
This is a Brit A/C of some kind, but since I'm focused mainly on the Luftwaffe, I'm not too knowlegable on these. C'mon John....spill it!!! It's an obscure one too like the Fairy Gannet.
Linework looks nice and crisp too. Are you using Photoshop or Illustrator? I use Illustrator, but it's a real bitch to convert to a .PSD file!
Looks like a comerant. Definatly a Royal Navy Bird... don't know many names though