They look worn and abused, lovely.
As mentioned earlier, here's my take on Kid Hofer's Salem Representative, Having long ago drawn the Malcolm hood, it was no big deal to illustrate the two main schemes that it carried whilst piloted by 'The Kid.'
Think I'll re-do the two B models that are buried deep in this thread "Jersey Bounce" and "The Flying Scot."
They look worn and abused, lovely.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
They look stunning but I can't help thinking that the bubble top replacement canopy section looks a little odd and pasted on. It does not look like it's part of the rest of the aircraft. Otherwise as previously stated stunning!![]()
WOW! That's REALLY nice!![]()
That's the way I see it as well. They are little more than frameless perspex after all. Admittedly I probably could reduce to the reflections a touch tho.
Although not a B/C. I did this (don't think I've posted it yet) towards the end of last year. its not quite finished yet.
Drawn anything of late Jarink?
Nice one! I did a skin of this one WAY back in the mid 90s![]()
Very nice, but shift the yellow hue a tiny bit towards red. Just like you have the prop tips!
"600" looks a tad too skinny as well. Otherwise nice job!
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