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  1. #191

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)


  2. #192

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    Why didn't I spot this thread before? Fantastic work GFR! Very nice indeed! Great metal effects, I especially like the wing and air scoop!

    There's one thing bugging me though and that's the canopy. Somehow it doesn't look quite right to my eye. So I've checked your profile against factory drawings of this bird and it matches near-perfectly, with exception of the canopy. I've attached an image of your profile canopy with the "official" canopy shape outlined over the top. I quote this as the bubble canopy differered quite a bit amongst different production batches from different factories. But the canopy frame was always the same. Note how the lines of the frame are parallel on the real thing. On yours they taper a lot. Sorry I didn't spot this thread sooner, as it's a bit of a crap timing I realise, but hopefully not too painful to fix being quite isolated.

    Other than that little snag, top job! Some of the best Mustang profiles I've seen! Makes me want to pick up my 3D Mustang again (which is not as accurate as your 2D one, I can say!).
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  3. #193
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    Thanks Ronnie, I probably wouldn't have taken much notice of a thread with such a crappy title as this one either. And your Mustang was one of the inspirations for me having a go at doing my own (albeit 2D) check my props for the evidence.

    To be perfectly honest, I don't necessarily agree with what the factory drawings show re the canopy frame running parallel for its entire length, if you look at just about any image especially from behind it looks (to me anyway) that there is a definite taper beginning just forward of the hand hold toward the rear. I've also tried to take into account the way the frame bulges outward at the widest part of the frame.

    I will take another look when I open the PS file later on tonight.

    Any edit will be easy enough, so its no big deal either way.

    Thanks for taking the time to put your eye over my work.

    I'm currently re-working my B/C and took note of your advice for another poster on MM, it was very helpful.
  4. #194
    Join Date
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    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    A little diversion whilst I sort a few of my more problematic profiles.

    These are easy from here on in.
    That's cool! It looks absolutely close to real. I always wanted a :48 plastic model like that...
  5. #195
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    Ronnie, I think GFR has the canopy frame right on.
  6. #196

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    Interesting development and worth looking into. Although after looking at a few photos posted here I'd say it's a case of the ever too familiar incorrect factory drawings-
    There's certainly something not too parallel on that last one...get out your real plane and your calipers

  7. #197

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    I think it is just optical ilusion
    Peter Kassak
  8. #198
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    It is widely agreed that Charlie Neely has produced the most accurate P-51B and P-51D drawings (1/16 scale) and is a long-time expert on P-51 lines. He is a contributor to the P-51 SIG group online, which unfortunately has limited its new membership due to problems with unauthorized use of its contents. I obtained a set of Charlie's drawings a few years ago and can vouch for their accuracy. He even picks up the "flat spot" above the rudder light on the P-51D (you did know it was there, right?)! When compared with Charlie's drawings, GFR has very accurate lines.

    The P-51 SIG has graciously made some of Charlie's drawings and comments available at

    within issues of the "Mustang Modeler and Enthusiast Newsletter" which can be downloaded at the same site. Download them all--lots of 'Stang goodies there.

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  9. #199
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    I joined the SIG back in the day, but for the life of me cant recall what user name I signed up under, anyway thanks for the link to the newsletter Joe, looks to be a wealth of information contained within them, something you cant have to much of.

    Interesting tail detail, I'll take a look at whether I need to add it to mine.

    You really cant have to much pointless detail.
    Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 1st September 2012 at 05:59.
  10. #200

    Re: Fire up the band, I have actually finished a profile (almost)

    Parallel is the wrong word and indeed towards the back the lines taper. I had woken up in the middle of the night when I made the above post, so it's a bit low quality, sorry! At least it stirred up some conversation!
    It's the distance between the two lines that appears to be equal. At first this means they're pretty much parallel in sideview (unlike GFR's profile), but as the angle of the surface flattens, in sideview the lines taper more and more. Blowhard's third link shows this quite well and the fourth photo of my walkaround here shows it too.
    And yes, there's awesome material on the P-51 SIG page that's probably more useful than my posts!
    Last edited by Skyraider3D; 4th September 2012 at 23:17.
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