IMHO, when you have reference, photo reference, you've all. This in regard of stencils and schema. So Wh1skea, go on with it. Fonts seems correct as well.
AP, shoot me down all you want.I can take criticism. Hardest part on this one is finding good reference pics for this Sundowners scheme. Like you said most people do the full tail scheme. Most pics out there are for that scheme, even though they used this scheme on just as many cruises from what I've been told (Full tail - 1st and 4th cruise, rudder only 2nd and 3rd).
Updated image:
Worked on the intake shading and the insignia. Also added the air intake on the nose.
Try and have a look at my website, I have two photos of Phantoms with that paintscheme. Here´s the direct lin to the gallary: VF - Fighter Squadrons - Aircraft Profiles
Took some time this weekend to work on the shading and highlights. Fixed the shading on the jet intake, added highlight to the canopy area and enhanced the highlights across the top of the fuselage. Also reworked the shape of the outer wing to match the F-4B/N that I'm trying to portray. After looking it over per AP, I realized that the outer wing was too wide for the unslatted wings of the B at the base.
Good stuff ! However i still have some sugegstions:
1. The highlight on the intake should get more and more fuzzy as you move toward the tail. The fuselage and inkake merge somewhere over the rare part of the wing, so my suggestion sis to rework the highlight on that part.
2. In order to make the aircraft have the glossy finish, I would make a general highlight on the rendition, and then add some very bright highlights where the lightsource is directly above. The more well deffied a highlight and shodow is, the more glossy it make the surface seem.
Hope this helps
I did some rework in around the area of the intake/fuselage as suggested. Also toned down the glossiness. Figured this time add in a preview over a black background along with the normal grey background to show just the highlighting. (The lighting on the splitter plates will be redone). Also, thoughts on the shading between the rear of the wing and the engine nozzle, where the rear AIM-7 bay is. I'm having mixed feelings on it. Maybe blend it as it sweeps up?
I guess next step for me is gonna be to work on rendering the bare metal at the rear of the fuselage. That, and adding at least the shape of the arrestor hook.
Last edited by wh1skea; 18th August 2009 at 16:09.
First things, first.....I need to draw the pylons.I'll have Sparrows, Sidewinders and drop tanks for sure (eventually need to start drawing them). Probably also work on the SUU-16 and SUU-23 gun pods, a variety of Mk 80 series iron bombs, Paveways, Zuni rockets, etc, etc. The goal for me it to have a template to be able to create a Phantom at a moments notice.
Know any good sources for drawings on any of these?