Where did that beautifull shading go?![]()
Using photos from the site above, I took a crack at the SUU-16/SUU-23 20mm gunpod.
Turned the highlight layers up to compensate for the lighter grey of the painted jet. This should look better...
Still working on the shading on the gunpod. More to come.
You should darken all of your greys IMO. Especially the radome.
Is it me or does the wing uppersurface have a violet tint to it?
I thought about darkening the grey and the white, but thats the funny thing about the gull grey/white schemes the USN and USMC used up until the late 70's/ early 80's. You look at the photos of planes of that era, and they show grey that is almost white and white that is, well, white. The white, I can try to tone down some, but I think that if I darken the grey any more, it'll just be too dark.
As the the upper wing, it did have a violet tint to it. I have since corrected it to match the rest of the aircraft (I forgot to change the color of the upper wing when I changed the rest of the aircraft.)
What I'd really would like to suggest is that you add some falloff (correct me if this is the wrong term Ronnie!) darkning to the outside of your shapes to make the standout more from the white background and from each other. Look out this images
It really helps the shape definition![]()
For all of you who don't have these, here are the definitive original NAVY stenciling handbooks and manuals for the Phantoms. Worth a download!!!
Unbelievable how many stencils are in a Navy Phantom!!![]()
I just downloaded those earlier this week. If you notice in pics of early Air Force Phantoms, and Japanese Phantoms, they pretty much have the same stencils.
Today's Update...
Loadout isn't accurate for this one, just wanted to see how it looked.