26th August 2009, 19:16
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
Hopefully I can get some serious shading work done on the new Phantom WIP this weekend. Luckily I did a lot of work with paths, so when I enlarged the original, I just had to tweak some of the paths and restroke them all. But until Monday, I'll probably just be posting WIPs of the weapons.
28th August 2009, 15:19
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
Quick pdate on the Phantom before the weekend:

With some color:
8th October 2009, 17:02
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
So, with my computer at home having crashed last weekend, I'm left using the much slower computer at work for now. So, in my spare time I've started working on partial profiles to show the differences in the different F-4s. Here is a sample so for for the F-4E and F-4J. They are still very much WIP. Comments and suggestions welcome as always.
8th October 2009, 21:12
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
I have a few comments:
1. first of all great efford !
2. The "drop nose" of the J-model isnīt quite as prominent as you depict it.
3. The shade on the lower part of the fuselage looks in my eyes, a bit too hard edged, and too straight. I thin kyou should try and use teh airbrush in Photoshop and have a really light shade stating from the center of the fuselage, and then gradually make it darker and darker as you proceed down the fuselage.
4. Try to add a light shade on the top of the nose...give a nice "round" effect.
Just my 2 cents ! You are on the right track here !
8th October 2009, 23:10
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
Did some rework on the shading using just the brush tool versus my usual method. I think the darker shading I had before was accentuating the "drop nose" effect . (I don't notice it as much with the new shading. I already had shading running along the upper edge in the old image, so I left it as it was. Here are the B and J models.
9th October 2009, 09:53
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
I does look far better ! Howver, iīm sur ethat you are quiet there yet. The Phantoms nose wasnīt quite as pointy as you depict it IMO. Try to have alook at this photo: http://data.primeportal.net/hangar/b...8_10_of_11.jpg
The highlight need some work too, but not too much. At the moment it looks liek a line with a elipse shape in it...Thatīs a good start but i think you should blur the edges of the elipse. Also i think the highlight under the cockpit should be moved further toward the canopy. The Phantoms fuselage became more and more box shaped as you got closer to the intake (that too youc an tell from teh photo on teh link)
Keep up the good work , and remember all of teh above is only suggestions and my oppinion ! Look very much forword to your next update !
9th October 2009, 20:36
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
Last update for the weekend. I wasn't able to see the pic you posted due to the content filter on my company's server, but I can't say I agree with you on the nose though. I'd have to dig up and show you the pics I used, but I did use photos versus line drawings for the shape of the short nosed Phantoms. (the E/F shape was a combination of line drawing matched with photos.) If you can e-mail that pic to me, I'll see if I can't dig up the photos I used and send them to you so we can compare. 
9th October 2009, 21:05
Re: F-4B/J Phantom II
iīm not home at the moment,but iīll send you a photo when i get back monday...You are on the right track with the shadings...perhaps try and make the highlight a bit narrower.
good work
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