hi BH,
yup i found the same images, look at the first image lower rudder and compare with cowling, then on the next image my arguement falls apart
i was hoping someone had different images where i could try to make sense of this, any images out there of the cowls without the mottling.
i quite agree yellow is one of the worst colours to work with in black and white, unless it is ortho flim then yellow appears black!
by the way, i never trust profiles, because they are based on the artists ideasand we don't always get it right. why do you think i am always on you guys backs, i would like to think that one day people will look at a profile and think, "yes that is correct"
hi jester,
where the f*** have ya been, keep pushing your look and i will be round there.
hi otter,
i have come to the same position as you, i ain't surewe need more evidence, or even better, a shot of one of there aircraft done with ortho film.
i hate luftwaffe camouflage, it used to be my main subject, until so called experts started coming up with stupid conclusions, now i do them how "i" see them using official known colours and photos, this give me a 50% chance of being correct.
people like Ullman have gone beyond facts, if he had stuck to rlm and paint manufactors guides it would have been much better.