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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Apology up front.

    hey BH,

    just told VT that at the end, its down to what he likes and is happy with
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  2. #52

    Re: Apology up front.

    Quote Originally Posted by JMSmith View Post
    hey BH,

    just told VT that at the end, its down to what he likes and is happy with
    Yeah, remember that the next time I send you a WIP!

    Arguing luftwaffe (or any other "brand") of colors would take years and then we would never get anything done! The mix could be off, it fades in the sunlight, color photo's from the period aren't exact, my monitor is different than yours... It is MY opinion that if you're really, really close to the correct color and not trying to pawn purple off as yellow, you're okay. Someone will disagree, I know...

    I Jesters work.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Apology up front.

    hi clint,

    ok read it and absorbed the information.

    the guys put up a very good case, but even better he at no point states that it is gospel, not like most of the so called experts.
    given the time period and the changing situation being faced by the luftwaffe ( from being master of the air to equal) all the reports and evidence would suggest that they were adapting to a ongoing problem.
    experimenting with new colours most certainly would have occurred by different units, and with the physical evidence still there we can see they did.
    just go's to show we know nothing for sure about the coloured used by the luftwaffe.
    just one point, wish there was a piece still in excistance of the "sky" colour, reports are fine, but ya can't beat facts.
    even my friend and noted historian Ian Huntley upon seeing a downed Do219m wrote in his notebook that the colours were "purple" it's unfortunately a human thing to give your own perception about what you see.

    if you want to discuss any points in the article give me a shout on the addy you used.

    thank you for giving me the chance to read it
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  4. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Apology up front.

    Hi John

    It kinda would have made things a lot easier for us profilers/modellers if they had stuck to the rules. Also not all RAF/Army officers that visited these crashes were very good at explaining colours and used a very loose way of describing them. Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. #55

    Re: Apology up front.

    Reason for absence . . . CS3 decided it didn’t like the updates I made to the 109, so it thought it would use that age old excuse and close without saving. Thanks for that.
    Although I had a backup, it was almost 4 hour old and it just deflated my enthusiasm to the point where I was asking myself how I would account for the wasted 4hrs.

    Dave, thanks for the e-mail, it is going to help big time.

    At John, you can come round here any time, just remember to be doing at least 70mph or the wheels will be taken off your car if you go any slower.

    You know where I live, so from Foss Park you turn right at the top of the hill then first right past the houses with the machine gun nests and razor wire. Go down the hill past the sleeping burning policemen. Look for the smashed in phone box on the right and the vastly vandalised shops on the left, then follow the road around past the burned out cars vans and lorry. Close your eyes, go as fast as you can whilst counting to 5 and you then open to see a turn on ya left. This is your last chance to turn around and maybe live. I’m down there on the right, next to the kids with AK-47’s.

    In the time it has taken for me to type this, my backup template has opened, so back to work for me.
  6. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Apology up front.

    You know where I live, so from Foss Park you turn right at the top of the hill then first right past the houses with the machine gun nests and razor wire. Go down the hill past the sleeping burning policemen. Look for the smashed in phone box on the right and the vastly vandalised shops on the left, then follow the road around past the burned out cars vans and lorry. Close your eyes, go as fast as you can whilst counting to 5 and you then open to see a turn on ya left. This is your last chance to turn around and maybe live. I’m down there on the right, next to the kids with AK-47’s.
    Seems like a nice neighourhood. Where do you live? Do you have a pizza parlour?
  7. #57

    Re: Apology up front.

    Ian Huntley upon seeing a downed Do219m wrote in his notebook that the colours were "purple"
    It could easily be 81 or 75, both could look purple in certain lighting, 81 could a brown-ish purple and 75 could be a gray-ish purple.
    A good rule of thumb I learned mixing paint to match Pantone colors for almost 12 years, color names mean absolutely nothing, there is NO purple, only a variation of color that is a part of the spectrum. It all depends on what the viewer thinks of as purple.
    Will the real grauviolett and braunviolett please stand up?
    Name:  purple_gray_brown.jpg
Views: 303
Size:  23.6 KB

    wish there was a piece still in excistance of the "sky" colour
    Do you mean the green-ish color that some call a variation or mix of RLM 76, and others call 84? I believe there are many, one complete Bf 109 G6 as well!

    "Werknummer 163824 is the last Bf 109 remaining in its original finish."
    "The fuselage sides and undersurfaces are sprayed in a thin coat of a
    non-standard Green-Grey colour. This effect of this colour is quite
    similar to RAF Sky Type "S"."


  8. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Apology up front.


    where are you, you are now on my hit list telling me there ain't no purtal, it's my bestest colour in the whole wide world

    now back to the plot, your first statements just reinforces what i said, colour is perceived differently by all people, and their discriptions can be widely of mark.

    just on small point, when were any Do217m's painted in the colours 81 or 75 .

    now your other, regarding the grey green colour, all your examples are late war, of which i refuse to get drawn into, i refer you to Ullman.
    the colour we are talking about is 1940 era, and as yet no one as come up with a sample, but i bet there is one out there somewhere.
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  9. #59
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Apology up front.

    Yeah in a B&W photo probably

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Apology up front.

    Jes, all I can say is that you need to follow your own instincts. There'll always be bitchers and whiners and it'll never end. If they don't like what you do, they can always draw their own versions. Stand by yer guns man!!! Yer doing just fine.

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