Clint, we wouldn't be much without fussy detailists like you. Keep up the good fight man!!!
I will wait, but i cant wait forever salivating on me keyboard, lol, look forward to the camo schemes!!!
Clint, we wouldn't be much without fussy detailists like you. Keep up the good fight man!!!
Hi Clint!
Your Ju 88 will be for sure the best Ju 88 profile I know!
Just one comment regarding your main wheel. I'm not sure but I think the shape of it is a little bit overdone.
Here some pics:
BTW: Here is a nice shot of a tail wheel:
Good call Simon thanks. it was a bit too wobbly around the edge:
Also cheers for the tail wheel shot, just in time.
Looking fabulous, Clint!
However I'd tone down the noise effect on the tyre a little bit here and there. It's looks a bit procedural and over-laid at the moment. Also fade out or "compress" this noise pattern towards the outline of the tyre, to compensate for the more shallow viewing angle of the surface. I hope you understand what I am trying to say!![]()
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Yep I got ya. Will look into it mate cheers for your kind words.
Nearly there it's the final sprint. Just Shadows and staines etc.
Cheers Guys
Hi Clint!
When you have added the shadows it will be 99% perfect!
1% more if you rework the lights and shadows of the main tire.
What I mean is that the shadow on the inner side above left from the rim is very dark and lower right the light is too less. They don't fit together. It would be easier to see the rubber tire if you make the light a little bit harder.
Cheers, Simon
BTW: Are you sure about the RLM 02 used for overpainting of the old markings? Normally RLM70/71 were used and painted just with a brush.
I'll look into it Simon cheers. On this particular Ju88 the factory code was quite crudely oversprayed with what looks like a thinned RLM02. Evidence still exists on the close up shots of the fuselage code also the original factory code is still showing through ever so slightly. I don't know if it was a rush job by the maintenance crews because this aircraft was testing the (at the time) top secret Knickebein target navigation system. All future schemes will not have the RLM02 overspray.