Hi Clint!
Glas and light on the nose looks good, but on the top canopy I think the light is too strong.
BTW: Great rivet work!
The dirt behind the canopy from the circular hatch can't go down vertical. It should be vertical to the ground when the plane stands on the undercarriage!
Good job Clint. Are you planning to do any more with the glass parts ?
Only the Gondola underneath the glass looks a bit plain. Also trying to work out if the glass panels would continue the under fuselage shading? Oh and a little bit of dirt overall.
Cheers dude
ya can't beat a "dirty bird"![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
That's looking excellent mate!
Definitely darken the interior parts a bit. These parts are not directly exposed but through glass and surrounded by framework and would therefore be darker than outside parts.
Glass on the top areas looks great to me, but on the gondola seems hardly present.
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The best kind of bird there is mate!
Thanks Ronnie! Yeah I will be darkening the interior elements at some point especially in the gondola it looks a bit too light at the mo would be a lot darker down in that little hole.
Thank-you for all your kind words and constructive crit gentlemen.
I've had a little play around with the interior elements and darkened them in the areas where I think it needed it. Also sorted out the gondola glazing, it's a bit more apparent now.
I suppose I should really start thinking about the wings/engines, etc now then.
About your glass, are you only using white to shade it? It looks like it. What background color will it be on in it's final form?
I've been wondering about your wing root colors, bare metal and? What color are the yellow-ish parts?
Hi Blowhard
Unfortunately it will have to be on a white background. The glazing is shaded with white and a base shade of low opacity black (would you suggest I used another colour then?) The Wing root is actually the original light grey paint (possibly RLM02 primer?) that the whole under surface was painted with before it was painted with RLM65 they just couldn't be bothered to remove the wing to repaint the wing root. Also the yellow bits are bare anodised aluminium.
Last edited by Clint Mitchell; 24th March 2010 at 17:00.