22nd September 2010, 13:48
Re: F-104G Starfighter
John, you wouldn't happen to have anything on Japanese airforce F-104J's would you? I am looking for the stencelling. Want to do them for completeness!
Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
22nd September 2010, 13:49
Re: F-104G Starfighter
Lieuwe, this afternoon I will scan a japanese book on 104J with ALL stencils. See you later

22nd September 2010, 14:20
22nd September 2010, 16:00
Re: F-104G Starfighter
What about this one? 
22nd September 2010, 17:08
Re: F-104G Starfighter
Hmm was that a operational paintscheme? Do you have more pictures of that one, especially showing the nozzle and ejection seat?
Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
22nd September 2010, 17:29
Re: F-104G Starfighter
Find in Spanish this info:
Después del duelo protagonizado por Gilles Villeneuve pilotando un 126CK de F1, contra un
caza F-104 Starfighter en 1981, como recuerdo de aquel episodio, en 1989 Ferrari
fue obsequiada por las Fuerzas Aereas Italianas con un ejemplar de aquel avión.
Entonces se decidió pintarlo de rojo y se matriculó con la librea 4-27, el 4 por el 4º RMV
(Departamento de Manutención de Vehículos) de Grosseto y el 27, por ser el numero que llevaba
asiduamente en su coche Gilles Villeneuve, y en la cola se pintó un escudo con el Cavallino Rampante
original como el que en su día llevó en su avión Francesco Baracca, heroe italiano de la aviación
de la Primera Guerra Mundial. A partir de 1999 este caza se encuentra en la entrada del Circuito de Fiorano
Google translation:
"After the duel starring Gilles Villeneuve driving a F1 126CK against a
F-104 Starfighter game in 1981, in memory of that episode, in 1989 Ferrari
was presented by the Italian Air Force a copy of that plane.
Then he decided to paint it red and enrolled in the livery 4-27, the 4 by 4 º RMV
(Department of Maintenance of Vehicles) of Grosseto and 27, as the number who had
assiduously Gilles Villeneuve in his car, and the tail was painted a shield with the Prancing Horse
like the original at the time his plane took Francesco Baracca, the Italian hero of aviation
of the First World War. Since 1999 this hunt is located at the entrance of the Fiorano Circuit"
Ferrari Airplanes
and here a scale model:
F 104 Starfighter - Ferrari Modelcars Collection 1:12-1:16-1:18-1:20
Last edited by JGrigolo; 22nd September 2010 at 17:39.
22nd September 2010, 20:58
22nd September 2010, 21:49
Re: F-104G Starfighter
Well it's not my band but those do look like my girlfriends.

More experimentation!
Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
22nd September 2010, 22:25
Re: F-104G Starfighter
Aaaand another one!
Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
22nd September 2010, 22:27
Re: F-104G Starfighter
FAST AND FURIOUS!!! my God Lieuwe!

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