Hmmm, mind those mushrooms you are consuming![]()
OK Gammy....NEVER post something like that when I have a mouthfull of beer and a full bladder. The results aren't pleasing. It took forever to squeegie the screen and mop up the chair. Needless to say, you have it wrong. Karl and Hans were both drafted and went off to serve the Fatherland. It was left to Volkar (an underage waif who may have had a Ukranian background) to finish the riveting, and due to constant raids by Humbly Pudge "Gallipoli" heavyish bombers he had to do it in his mother's basement. Subsequent flooding from a toilet overflow caused an abrupt end to production of rivets on the rocket powered Dinklewerf GX 3000 series crushing once and for all Germany's dreams of world domination. Thus endeth today's history lesson.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 14th October 2010 at 11:42.
Hmmm, mind those mushrooms you are consuming![]()
Here's the corrected version as per your comments. Whaddya think?
I'd make the edges round the chin turret and other joins a bit darker to really lift the definition of the parts, otherwise all looking good, not that I'm in a position to comment on the technical side of things.
wheres her nipples![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
I'm trying very hard to stay with my current projects and not drag out me olde B-17G profile.
Gammy, the turrets look much better! I hate to say it, but now that you're showing some of the interior with the cheek gun, you're going to have to add at least a hint of the rest of the interior (cockpit, navigator's area). There's all sorts of stuff that can normally be seen poking out around the edges of the windows.
I know, I'm just lacking reference for the moment.I hate to say it, but now that you're showing some of the interior with the cheek gun, you're going to have to add at least a hint of the rest of the interior (cockpit, navigator's area). There's all sorts of stuff that can normally be seen poking out around the edges of the windows.![]()
lacking references!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have got to be kidding, theres more photos out there of these birds than any other aircraft
anyway heres another one for you to do![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Well, you can certainly see her nipples...
On a less disturbing note, here's a pretty good shot of Sentimental Journey. It's too far away to show good details, but it is from about the correct angle.
Although there are many, many pictures of B-17 noses, they usually are from too low of an angle (from the ground) for profiling.
You should be able to make out the receiver of the starboard cheek gun in the middle window, plus hints of the instrument panel, overhead control panel, seats, and part of the dorsal turret. On the late G models, also don't forget the waist windows were staggered, so you should/could show the interior of the other side.
Last edited by Jarink; 16th October 2010 at 03:43. Reason: Add picture
Well, you can certainly see her nipples...Jarink says it all. If I'm going to do it, I'd like to be at least decently accurate. The pictures John posted don't really show no details, aside from the nipples of course. Which of course was the reason he posted it. He's only interested in B-17 with nude girls nose art or "Mr Smith". (Nice one, BTW. I hope you have a framed copy at your place/in your truck.Although there are many, many pictures of B-17 noses, they usually are from too low of an angle (from the ground) for profiling.![]()
In addition, it's made even more complicated by the fact that there were many different arrangements. I'm also working on "Memphis Belle", which was a B-17F-10 so a different nose with different armament, windows, perspex, radios, bomber's station, etc...
Good catch on the top turret mechanism showing slightly through the pilot's rear window! I'll add that one at least.![]()
Last edited by gamary; 16th October 2010 at 10:30. Reason: John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John, John .........