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Thread: Happy New Year

  1. #31

    Re: Happy New Year

    Quote Originally Posted by JMSmith View Post
    and i dont like the shadow cast on the background by your profile,

    several artist do this and it looks crap not your profile, the shadow
    Say what you think mate, dont beat around the bush . . . oops pardon the pun, enjoy your trip to Oz.

    Right lads, now that he's gone for a few weeks, whilst the cats away
  2. #32

    Re: Happy New Year

    Flyboys, EEEWW!!!! Really?

    If you're going to do Flyboys, you just HAVE to do the KING of WW1 movies, The Blue Max and the silly but very cool looking printed fabric Fokker Dr.I!!!!!
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do it please!!!!!!!!


    I'll even do the fabric pattern if you'll make the profile

  3. #33

    Re: Happy New Year

    And now on to more serious planes...

    This is a tricky one. I'm certain that the diagonal stripes on right side of Udet's plane and the right side of Kirschstein's plane terminated in a straight vertical line and I'm pretty sure they do the same on the left side although I don't know if any photo shows this-
    Here is Kirschstein's plane-

    And Udet's-
    Name:  dr1_udet.jpg
Views: 355
Size:  68.5 KB
    I believe it should like like this-
    Name:  Kirschstein-Udet.jpg
Views: 356
Size:  48.5 KB
    Very few profiles or models show this though. I did my Dr.I model long before I ever saw these photos. This is the only profile I know of that shows the pattern correctly-

    Now, on to more speculative colors...
    Dan San-Abbot believe that Udet's plane WAS NOT Kirschstein's and states that the colors can't be black and white due to the differences compared to the black and white crosses; that the stripes are light blue and red. He goes on to say there is no evidence of Fokker streaking on the rest of the fuselage.
    Here is Dan-San's markings from his Aerodrome gallery-

    That's awfully snappy isn't it?
    However, I believe, after looking at many other Dr.I photos with black and white markings, that those stripes on Udet's plane could easily be faded black and dirty white. Many other known black and white personal markings look as muddy or more so.
    Plus, to have 2 identically marked planes but in different colors and flown by different pilots and Jastas seems WAY too far fetched!
    On top of that, if it wasn't Kirschstein's, why would it have red and blue vertical tail surfaces and wheel discs in the same pattern as Jasta 6...unless it was from Jasta 6, and then it would still be in black and white.
    I really think Udet's plane was originally Kirschstein's. (sorry Dan-San, I gotta call 'em as I see 'em)
    But you must admit the red and blue is REALLY tempting.

    Do what you think is right Jester
    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 17th January 2011 at 21:16.

  4. #34

    Re: Happy New Year

    Ha Ha, “the Blue Max”, got to be one of the best.
    Already got a folder full of pics ready for that one

    Now back to reality . . .

    I have a thin publication called “Richthofens flying circus”, which covers many of the planes from Jasta 6.
    I lost it when I moved house, but re located it when we did a Christmas clearout last month .
    It offers the same information as you have said there, This was Kirschstein's aircraft which he left behind in favour of the new Fokker VII he was to receive at his new posting. It goes on to say Udet adopted the Dr.I and had his own “LO” logo to it.
    It also says the aircraft was named “The Optical Illusionist”.
    Based on that, I cant imagine there being 2 painted the same, can you?

    I do like the idea of the different colours though, so what I might do is offer both, that way people can make up their own minds which they think is the more likely.

    To add, I’d not seen that first photo you have posted there, and it also shows the meter clock on the starboard wing strut, a detail I will also have to add.

    I cant see your links on simmers to the drome, but I will take a trip over there and have a poke around.

    I’ll chat more tomorrow, its my Daughters birthday today and we will have a house full. Its set my mouth watering this has and I also must apologise to Otter, this will set things back a tad.
  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Happy New Year

    Say what you think mate, dont beat around the bush . . .
    What did you expect from John? He majored in diplomacy, remember?
  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Happy New Year

    i ain't gone yet

    and i will be using my sons pc whilst out there, so just behave

    boing boing boing boing, "what up skip, he's trapped down the mine"
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  7. #37

    Re: Happy New Year

    Don't forget to pack some wellies for your trip and we expect a postcard or some plans at the very least for some plans for a CAC Boomerang
  8. #38

    Re: Happy New Year

    Mind your eyes . . . .

  9. #39

    Re: Happy New Year

    Yep, that's HOT! I can't possibly believe it could have been true but it sure is a good looking plane! I flew one just like that in Skyfighters online except mine was marked BH
    Nice work!

    How about this?
    Name:  blue_max_lozenge.jpg
Views: 320
Size:  53.2 KB

  10. #40

    Re: Happy New Year

    Saved to desktop watch this space . . . . lol

    I think I've got as far as I can for now, added some extra grime, moved some more things around and drank some more wine.

    Udets are the first . . .

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