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Thread: Happy New Year

  1. #51

    Re: Happy New Year

    Done 9 (possible) real schemes with 4 movie planes, but I think I will keep them separate and do 12 real planes, keeping the movie planes for other things.
  2. #52

    Re: Happy New Year

    My take on Von Raben's Fokker.

    Ah damn saved the wrong one without the weathering, never mind I'll upload it ltr.
    Got to nip out and buy the water dragon some nesting compost.

    Last edited by Jesters-Ink; 23rd January 2011 at 15:00. Reason: saved the wrong one without the weathering
  3. #53

    Re: Happy New Year

    Really nice! Good bird painting too, it looks like it was brushed right on ther!

    nesting compost

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Happy New Year

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post
    Thanks Baron, I'd seen 3 of those before, but not all. All bookmarked now.
    No problem! I'm collecting WW1 stuff for some time, but had no time to follow up that subject. Maybe someday!

    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  5. #55

    Re: Happy New Year

    2 more . . . .

    Last edited by Jesters-Ink; 24th January 2011 at 20:27. Reason: 2 more . . .
  6. #56

    Re: Happy New Year

    All very nice!!!!!

    But...UH OH...I just noticed this! You need a thin blue edge along the lower fuselage edge on your factory camouflage. Also around the horizontal tail but that won't show in most cases. The only planes that don't get that blue border are the three Fi prototypes.
    Name:  dr1_2.jpg
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    Notice that edge around the tail and elevator? Like I said, you won't see that on most planes sine almost all of them were over-painted with personal or Jasta markings.

    That shouldn't be to hard to add plus those eagle-eyed Fokker fans will look for it right off. Sorry I didn't notice this earlier.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Turin, (Italy)

    Re: Happy New Year

    Great work Jesters
  8. #58

    Re: Happy New Year

    Thanks Santynus.

    IMG how did I not see that?? Just goes to show, no matter how long and hard you look, you still miss stuff!! Grrrrr. Thankfully, easy enough to fix, but still, not the point.

    Now that first pic you posted is very interesting . . .I have no idea what publication you found it in, but I have it in "Von Richthofens Flying Circus".

    Here it is with the text, and it lists it as aircraft 525/17. (well you can read the text for yourself).

    I think the wing tips need a rework too on my templates.

    What do you make of that?

  9. #59

    Re: Happy New Year

    What do I make of what? The wing tip reshape or 525/17?
    The wing tips could maybe a little sharper and deeper in contour but I think they look pretty good.

    About 525/17, a lot of people misinterpret this as one of "Richthofen's" planes. I'm not sure of the details but he either ferried it or flew it once while visiting another field. I gather there is some doubt about it being 525 or another plane that was photographed during Richthofen's visit. Either way it's got standard Jasta 6 tail markings and that darker color you see on the fuselage is, in my guess, standard camouflage. You can see some streaking in it. I don't think anyone is sure what the colored wing tips were but red is a good guess.
    In the book you've got page back on to page 19, photo 44, that's the same plane in the photo above.
    Look here-
    Fokker Dr1 525/17

    BTW, I have that same photo in several books including Leaman's book and Windsock's Fokker Dr.I Special. I have the Richthofen Circus book too

  10. #60

    Re: Happy New Year

    Awesome work mate! I really like this one a lot. Nice and muted, very realistic. Good stuff and belated happy new year to you too!
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