You can do better than that, John!the will![]()
the will![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
You can do better than that, John!the will![]()
hey BH,
just found this,
Albatros DV pictures by Jamo_kiwi - Photobucket
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Thanks Skyraider
Hey JS, I know what you mean about the will, or in my case insanity!![]()
heheheh, hell no! Another good one is the CDL finish. That's "Clear Doped Linen" to those uninitiatesDid Dave just invent NWF?
I think I'm getting that from others here too...but I thought it looked pretty good. Maybe it's that people expect to see those panel lines in the plywood? They really aren't there too much. Those things were sanded pretty smooth, very little shows through-to me your main shape forming highligh is too strong just knock it back a bit
Not like those pictures are that good, and you can find photos where you can see the panels through the paint. But that might be part of what you're seeing.
BUT...I've taken it down some along with adding a LOAD of little bits. But do keep in mind this is still wip-ish and I'm I'm still making lots of changes and adjustments. Hell, there aren't any wings on it yet!!!
Oh, John, thanks for the link but Elephant beat you to it on page 2![]()
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tell ya what mate,
that is some fantastic work there, even knowing you used photos for the wood effect make it even more so, the work involved altering the photo to curve round the fuselage probably was more involved than doing it from scratch
the link was posted on my AW Group yesterday with several others, the camel being one of them.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Awesome as usual!![]()
More. I'm getting sick of those little details....and I still need to do the wings and struts and what-not!!!