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  1. #61

    Re: Albatros D series

    hehehehe, it's a lawn dart or something

    But now I have to wonder what am I getting into now...
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  2. #62

    Re: Albatros D series

    A little more stuff...
    Name:  alb-wing_print.jpg
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    Name:  alb-wing_green-mauve.jpg
Views: 498
Size:  26.7 KB

    Name:  alb-wing_green-neutral.jpg
Views: 498
Size:  18.9 KB

    Name:  alb-wing_detaill.jpg
Views: 501
Size:  80.7 KB

    This is the first top view I've done, should I be scared of where this is leading? Does this mean I'm going to have to do 4 views from now on?

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Albatros D series

    This is the first top view I've done, should I be scared of where this is leading? Does this mean I'm going to have to do 4 views from now on?
    Well, you might want to flip those wings so they fit on the side view.
  4. #64

    Re: Albatros D series

    Any chance of the colour values for the purple and other one, be interesting to see how it compares to my 'effort'
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  5. #65

    Re: Albatros D series

    Well, you might want to flip those wings so they fit on the side view.
    Yep, the fact I haven't finished the profile view yet hasn't escaped me

    Any chance of the colour values for the purple and other one, be interesting to see how it compares to my 'effort'
    Sorry to say Ink, I just guessed with the color sliders until I got something I thought looked right to me. I didn't even compare it with other peoples color art or anything Eventually I'll need to figure out what I think is close to being correct but until then;

    Green: 99/102/92

    Mauve: 115/104/126

    Was I close to what you ended up with?

    The Albatros in Canberra was recently restored with more of an eye for accuracy of colors and markings. I'll see if I can find out what colors they settled on...although that green looks really dark to me!
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    The NSAM Albatros had green/mauve under the Jasta markings on the horizontal stabilizers. I wonder if anyone recorded the exact colors...

  6. #66

    Re: Albatros D series

    More on color-
    Name:  alb_3color.jpg
Views: 474
Size:  67.7 KB
    Still all guesswork. But I've made adjustments to the Windsock colors (my picks on the chart above) and they look like this on the wing. Not bad I guess.
    Name:  alb_newcolor.jpg
Views: 473
Size:  27.1 KB

    But if you want to pull your hair out, try this-

    25D8 Deep Sea P28 (slightly light, more like 25C8)
    26F3 Middle Earth P25
    27D4 Xanadu P25
    29D5 Awol P21-Woodstock P24 (about half-way)
    29E4 Woodland P23
    30E6 Turtle Green P21 [quite difficult these dark colours]
    30E8 Turtle Green-Saratoga P21 (about half-way)

    Lilacs etc
    15D4 De Janeiro-Centaurian P41 (about half-way)
    15E2 Salt Box P42
    15E3 Salt Box-Fedora P42 (about half-way)
    17F8 Jagger P39
    18D4 no one particularly close, perhaps Amethyst Smoke P42-Rhythm P39 (about half-way)
    18D6 Butterfly Bush-Meteorite P39 (about half-way)

    24B4 Fountain Blue P29 (perhaps too intense)
    25B5 Trade Wind-Keppel P28 (about half-way)
    I don't have a set of Methuen color cards and have never found any RGB conversions for them.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Albatros D series

    outstanding work my friend!
    Luftwaffe Aviation Art
    made by Simon Schatz
  8. #68

    Re: Albatros D series

    Thanks Simon

    I spent several hours yesterday and quite a few more today but not too much to show for it. I have both radiator types though
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  9. #69

    Re: Albatros D series

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Thanks Simon

    I spent several hours yesterday and quite a few more today but not too much to show for it.
    Not much to show for it he says
    Most of us would be over the moon to have produced something this outstanding, you must be working at least 600dpi?
  10. #70
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Albatros D series

    Stunningly good!

    The bar is getting way out of sight.

    Now that you are working on a top view, I have my doubts about ever seeing it finished.

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