welcome ChristopherC
about your harrier nice start
Hi all! This is my first post here. I've been lurking for quite some time, admiring all the excellent work that gets posted.
I've been posting profiles over on what-if modellers for some time, but I figured it's time to take the plunge and post here and hopefully get some valuable pointers to help me further improve.
Here's where I'm at with a project I've just started work on, the Harrier FRS1. Trying to get the compound curves around the intake, nozzles and wing root to look decent is doing my head in. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The blue fox cover doesn't curve quite as much, I'd also double check the curve on the upper tail, it doesn't look quite right. Also you have the panel for the front exhaust going down too far as below it looks like there is a ridge, when there isn't one. Plus it is currently extending too far forward, remove this and add the highlighting to the intakes once the flaps are dropped in and it'll start coming together nicely. Finally pay close attention to the tail fin at the root, it's a right bugger to sort out!
Get the details right in the early stages and it'll make life easier later on. I can't remember the link but there are some great photos of the Indian SHars on Vikrant R11 which are good for the weathering and lines.
Btw welcome and for a first post you cannot have chosen a better a/c, the SHar was soooooo nice in the post Falklands grey until they stuck that sodding great Blue Vixen in spoiling all those clean ***y lines. One day I'll get my FRS1 finished...
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Welcome, Christopher!
Nice start on the Harrier. I agree with the lower part of the nose looking a bit weird. You might want to check it against good pictures of the real deal. I'd say the lower part from the tip to beneath the intake might need a little more work.
I'm no Harrier expert though, so I may be wrong. There other people on SPS that can more reliably help you, inky being one of them. They are called HARfanatics (or SHARfanatics for the sea-going ones).![]()
Melbourne, the world epicenter of Profiling greatness it would seem.
Welcome aboard, Chis.
Forgot to ask what software are you using, I find with the Harrier some good paths to use for masking are a big help around the front intake and where it curves out for the exhaust.
Try dropping in the main panel lines before doing any more shading as this will help get the highlights/shading right and cure the headache
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome and all the feedback guys!
Inkworm, I've tried to incorporate your suggestions. I've been working from a couple of (suspect) plans from a russian site, so some things are bound to be out of whack. I've made the nose slightly less rounded, and changed some of the hilights on the intake (I was confusing myself by working from some hi-gloss harrier pics). I think the tail is more accurate now too. Let me know what you think.
I'll try getting some panel lines in next and tackle that wing root. I'm using Gimp 2.6.11 on OSX.
Welcome aboard Chris. These guys might get your knickers in a twist, but you'll know when you've done things right when they can't poke holes in it any more. They will hone your skills until you are as sharp as a razor, so you've come to the right place
Never even looked at Gimp so wouldn't have a clue on that but looking better already, try not to flatten out the fuselage under the cockpit too far forward, maybe expand the highlight out a bit more.
Nose still looks a bit out but may look better once the probe and yaw vein are in place, optical illusions and all that. Plans are a good starting point but will invariably have some errors, have a look on airliners.net there are some good almost perfect profile shots of 899 Sqn SHars that will be helpful for the over all lines.
Harriers...uppy downy things.